Akim of the region Yerlan Aryn noted the historical significance and profound content of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of Pavlodar Region written in the Kazakh language. As he stated in his speech at the presentation ceremony, “the Encyclopedia of Pavlodar Region was published to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Pavlodar region. 4000 scientific and educational articles were included in this edition. The main peculiarity of this book is that it contains the information of not only regional, but also national importance”.


This edition of the encyclopedia contains both well-known and previously unknown historical facts about the different periods of development of the region. It also gives information about prominent personalities of Pavlodar region, our famous compatriots whose lives and active public, social and political activities represent a valuable cultural and historical heritage for the grateful descendants.


The Rector of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev noted the active role of this higher education institution in the cultural life of the city and the region. According to him, the Scientific and Practical Center of History and Ethnography named after E. Bekmakhanov previously published encyclopedias about the life and work of our famous compatriots Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyev and Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov. “The Encyclopedia of Pavlodar Region in the Kazakh language is the result of a joint work of the Centre and the main editorial board of the Kazakh National Encyclopedia. Let me congratulate all the patriots of our land on the publication of this invaluable historical tome", concluded the Rector of PSU named after S. Toraighyrov.


Upon completion of this important commemorative event, Akim of the region Yerlan Aryn proposed to prepare encyclopedias of Pavlodar city and Bayanaul area following the example of a collaborative work of Pavlodar State University and the main editorial board of the Kazakh National Encyclopedia.




6 мая 2013 г. в концертном зале Павлодарского Государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова состоялся благотворительный концерт, организованный инициативной группой студентов ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова для сбора средств на операцию восемнадцатилетней Алине Сафроновой (диагноз ДЦП).

 The delegation of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov represented by the Rector, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev, Vice-Rector for Innovations and New Technologies, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nurlan Yerzhanov, Deans and Heads of Departments of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Energy Engineering visited the compressor rooms, operator's rooms, commodity laboratory, workshops and other parts of the plant. The excursion was conducted by the Director for Social Problems of PPP LLP Altyn Imantayeva.


During this meeting the following problems were discussed: implementation of dual education and interaction of the University with the largest industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan, which is one of the basic parameters of the Bologna process, as well as a powerful factor for the formation and strengthening of the European labor market, where the emphasis in teaching students is shifting towards practical training.


According to the General Director of Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP Shukhrat Danbay, the implementation of large-scale projects within the State Program of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of the Economy dictates the demand for the specialists of a new formation. “The dual system of professional education is now recognized as the most effective and widely used form of training in the world”, said Shukhrat Danbay.


The Rector of PSU named after S.Toraighyrov Serik Omirbayev suggested that the cooperation between the University and PPP must be carried out in three directions. The first direction implies professional training of not only Bachelors but also Masters. The second direction is professional advancement and skills update programs. Since PSU is an innovation-oriented university, the third direction is the development of joint research projects. This year only, the University develops 27 scientific and research projects within the programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Besides, the laboratory facilities of Pavlodar State University will be re-equipped according to the demands of Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP, so that the employers could participate in the development of professional standards and educational programs of the University, which will help to establish a mutually advantageous cooperation and get highly-qualified specialists, trained in accordance with the requirements of PPP, said Serik Omirbayev.


As a result of this meeting, a bilateral memorandum of cooperation between Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraighyrov and Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP is planned to be signed, which will allow carrying out efficient training of specialists meeting the interests of the state, the employee and the company.



03 мая 2013 года в ПГУ имени С.Торайгырова состоялась научная студенческая конференция «Новые религиозные движения и безопасность Казахстана: взгляд молодёжи».

Opening the festive event, the Rector of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev praised the professional and personal qualities of one of the oldest employees of the University.


Amangeldy Nurzhauov is the first Candidate of Engineering Sciences in Kazakhstan, the first and only Doctor of Science in Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles in RK. Besides, he is a member of the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic for a fixed consideration of theses for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in engineering specialities.


Amangeldy Nurzhauov is the author of more than one hundred scientific papers, including articles, monographs, textbooks, teaching manuals, methodical guidelines, which became the chief academic help in the difficult task of machine work.


Another important achievement of Amangeldy Nurzhauov is immeasurable respect of colleagues and students, universal recognition of his outstanding achievements in science. The ceremony was attended by the Deans of faculties, Heads of departments and structural units of the University, colleagues, and many students of Amangeldy Nurzhauov. In their congratulatory speeches, all of them noted such qualities of Amangeldy Nurzhauov as attentiveness, tactfulness, benevolence, ability to listen to the interlocutor.


Amangeldi Nurzhauov's colleagues from other faculties describe him as a talented musician, a man of generous and open heart, and a pleasant companion.



Старший преподаватель кафедры зоотехнологии, генетики и селекции агротехнологического факультета Павлодарского государственного университета им. С. Торайгырова Бибигаим Кусанова прошла курс повышения квалификации в Московской государственной академии ветеринарной медицины и биотехнологии им К.И.Скрябина.

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, HAC Associate Professor, full member of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Department of Mathematics at Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov Meyram Hamitov taught many generations of talented mathematicians, his former students are now working in various critical areas of the region and the country.


Meyram Khamitov is the author of over 100 scientific and educational works, five monographs, two collections of tasks (in co-authorship), a textbook in mathematics in the Kazakh language.


In his Candidate's thesis, Professor Khamitov developed a unique solution of the decimal period of differential equation system.


The Rector of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev stated in his congratulatory speech: “Your professional career in the field of mathematics and education is a great example of a person harmoniously combining the best properties of a professional, scientist and citizen”.


The Deans, members of the teaching staff, graduate and undergraduate students of the University, his many students, associates and colleagues warmly congratulated him. In his answering speech, Meyram Khamitov stressed that he has never felt any regret about dedicating his life to science and the University.


His contribution to the development of educational system of the region was highly appreciated. He was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Lebyazhye area of Pavlodar region; he also has the Veteran of Labour medal.


Meyram Hamitov is now 75 years old. As a professional fully devoted to the science, he still supervises the scientific works of graduate students in Mathematics and continues working at the Department of Mathematics at PSU named after S. Toraighyrov.



This activity has already become a tradition, it is carried out within the program of landscaping, improvement and sanitation of the city. Its purpose is to attract attention of people, especially students, to the problem of planting trees and shrubs in the city of Pavlodar.


The problem of landscaping the University area is a constant concern of PSU administration.


This year, Pavlodar State University has developed a new program for planting trees and shrubs on the areas of the University: “Improving the Environmental Situation by Increasing the Green Areas”. Under this program, it is planned to plant more than 30 pine trees. The specific feature of the new program is a mandatory planning of landing sites taking into consideration the species of the trees.


Landscaping of all settlements and cities is now an urgent problem. This work is now carried out by young people and students. “Such activity makes the city cleaner, better, more comfortable and environmentally friendly for new generations of Pavlodar residents”, said Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnology Abai Shakuov.


The Vice-rector for Facilities Management Askar Shaymerdenov welcomed the participants of the program of University area landscaping. “Today we have gathered here for a very good and important activity. I believe that every person has a mission in his or her life to plant not one tree, but as many as possible. If each student plants at least one tree in spring and fall, our city will soon become not only the most beautiful but also the most green and comfortable for living”, said Askar Shaymerdenov.



The goal of the campaign is providing support and social protection to the veterans and the elderly, as well as developing a sense of citizenship and patriotism, attracting public attention to the problems of veterans and home front workers.


The Head of the Department of Educational Work and Social Issues of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov Dana Mukhametzhanova said that now, in many different parts of our country, young citizens of Kazakhstan help buying food supplies and other necessary things for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, organize and conduct cultural programs and activities, help them in the household. “This is the very little part of what we must do for our heroes”, said Dana Mukhametzhanova.


May 9 is a special day which combines the joy of the Great Victory and the bitterness of irreplaceable losses.


"We do not want the memory of the great deeds of those years to go away from our hearts with the last witness of those days! All we want now is to support those who are still alive", said a student activists Miras Kurmangaliyev.


On that day, the veterans received congratulations, flowers, gifts and financial support.


Director of the Department of Educational Work and Social Issues of Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov Kayrbay Ashenov said that the University provides all social guarantees and implements all the social projects and programs that support veterans and home front workers.


Such activities are carried out at PSU on a regular basis and provide the opportunity to discuss and address the problems of veterans.


Студенческая команда Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова была удостоена дипломом третьей степени на Республиканской студенческой предметной олимпиаде по специальности «Русский язык и литература».

29 апреля 2013 года в Павлодарском государственном университете им. С.Торайгырова состоялся семинар с участием руководителя проекта по институциональной и специализированной аккредитации Независимого Агентства аккредитации и рейтинга (НААР) Инара Мухтарова, руководителя Центра аккредитации и менеджмента качества Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш.Уалиханова Гульнары Турткараевой и начальника службы менеджмента качества Северо-Казахстанского государственного университета им. М.К.Козыбаева Марины Погребицкой.

В связи с требованиями при прохождении специализированной аккредитации университетом необходимо провести анкетирование среди преподавателей и студентов Вашего факультета для определения удовлетворенности организацией научно-исследовательской деятельности в университете.

29 апреля 2013 года в Павлодарском государственном университете им. С.Торайгырова состоялась встреча студентов, магистрантов и преподавателей вуза с вице-президентом АО «Центр международных программ «Болашақ» Айгуль Надировой и менеджером первой категории Центра Гульзат Асанбаевой.

28 апреля 2013 года в Павлодарском государственном университете им. С.Торайгырова состоялся «День открытых дверей» для выпускников школ Павлодарского района.

27 апреля 2013 года в Павлодарском государственном университете им. С.Торайгырова состоялись межшкольные интеллектуальные соревнования на тему «Школьные знания – фундамент решения проблем промышленности» в рамках программы «На орбите творчества» по версии IQ (intelligence quotient).

26 апреля 2013 года ведущие ученые Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова в рамках международного сотрудничества в сфере высшего образования провели встречу со специалистами высокого уровня Томского регионального центра коллективного пользования научным оборудованием при Национальном исследовательском Томском государственном университете.

26 апреля 2013 года в концертном зале Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова состоялся творческий концерт «Саған, халқым...» солистки студенческой филармонии вуза и областной филармонии имени И.Байзакова, лауреата республиканских и международных конкурсов Асель Ботаевой.

24 апреля 2013 года в научной библиотеке им. С.Бейсембаева Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова состоялся вечер «Свет книг не гаснет в нашем доме...», посвященный презентации последних достижений в сфере библиотечного дела вуза.

Студенты Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова приняли участие в юбилейном X Международном Молодежном Нефтегазовом Форуме «OFFSHORE. DIVE INTO THE FUTURE», организованном Обществом инженеров-нефтяников при Казахском национальном техническом университете им. К.И.Сатпаева (KNTUSPE Student Chapter, г. Алматы).

Студентка Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова Айгуль Ракишева стала обладателем диплома первой степени за участие в III Республиканской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов «Кооперация науки и бизнеса: проблемы и перспективы», которая состоялась на базе Восточно-Казахстанского государственного университета им. С. Аманжолова (г. Усть-Каменогорск).