Programs Offered

The Department of Vocational Education and Environmental Protection offers two Bachelor’s degree programs and one Master’s degree program.

5B073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection (academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in Life Safety and Environmental Protection).

Educational program

The objects of professional activities for Bachelors in this program are companies and organizations involved in the development, implementation and operation of technological systems, networks and emergency protection preventing fire, environmental, chemical, radiological and other hazards; project and design institutes, offices, companies, etc.

Contents of Bachelors’ professional activity consists in the development, implementation and monitoring of projects, programs, technical solutions and measures for fire, industrial, environmental, chemical, radiological, biological and other types of security; protection of the environment and its components (air basin, water, land, biotic and other resources) from the industrial impact.

Opportunities for continuing education:

• training in a magistracy on specialties 6M073100 - "Safety and environmental protection", 6M070900 - Metallurgy ( Safety and environmental protection in metallurgy - specialized), 6M072100 Chemical technology of organic substances (Safety and environmental protection in petrochemistry - specialized). Apprenticeship in specialized magistracy – 1,5 years academic - 2 years. Intramural form of education.

5B012000 Vocational Education (academic degree awarded: Bachelor of Vocational Education).

Educational program


- Industrial Production (construction, industrial production and environmental protection, food production);

- Servicing Production (information technology);

Depending on the specialization, graduates can get the following qualifications: Teacher of General Technical and Special Subjects; Teacher of Vocational Education (by Industry).

The objects of professional activities for Bachelors with a degree in this program are working in the system of secondary education, in primary and secondary vocational education; entrepreneurial activities; Master's and Doctoral degree studies.

Contents of professional activities: teaching general technical disciplines in special technology on the complex of working professions in secondary and general education schools, colleges, high schools; working as vocational education master in higher, secondary vocational and primary education.

The following categories of applicants are eligible for entering this program:

- secondary school graduates who have successfully passed the Common National Testing (CNT) or Complex Testing of Applicants (CTA) with an elective in Physics.

Duration of study: 4 years (full-time program), 3 years (part-time program for graduates of secondary vocational education institutions), 3 years (part-time program for graduates of higher education institutions).

Students are enrolled either as holders of state educational grants or on a contractual (fee-paying) basis. The University offers a flexible discount system to its students.