Quality objectives of the Department of Biology and Ecology for the 2024-2025 academic year


Department of "Biology and Ecology" for the 2024-2025 academic year



Goal content



Ensuring the effectiveness of department management.

Distribution of functions and powers of the academic staff of the department: 100 % participation of the academic staff in the activities of the department, 100 % observance of labor discipline, prevention of discipline violations, organization of recreation for employees (1 trip).






Ensuring the effectiveness of educational services of the academic staff of the department

In the disciplines of the department, the growth of academic performance by 0.5 points in comparison with the previous academic year. According to the plan of the department, the invitation of 1 foreign scientist to give lectures. In accordance with the Program for the introduction of multilingual education of NJSC "Toraigyrov University", 36 undergraduates and 8 doctoral students took part in this program. Within the framework of academic mobility, 3 students, 1 master student took part.


Improving the quality level of methodological developments, expansion practice bases. 

Development and release of textbooks, teaching aids and guidelines ( 4 developments), 6 methodological seminars of the department, 21 open lectures. The staffing level of EMCD and EMCS is 100 %.




Ensuring the effectiveness of research work of the department.

Internship abroad (2 people). Publication of articles with an impact factor – 7, acts of implementation – 5, monographs (1 development). Expected number of PhD theses defended – 2, master's theses – 27. Participation of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teaching staff of the department in competitions, Olympiads, grants, projects during the academic year. Implementation of the teaching staff of the Department of State Budgetary, Contractual Research and Development and Commercialization Projects – 5 people.





Improving the quality level of educational work. Formation of specialists with high erudition, culture, clearly representing the goals of the state, politically seasoned

Conducting 50 events and curatorial hours once a month for educational work.




Ensuring the growth of the material and technical base of the department.

Submission of applications for the purchase of educational and methodological literature (30 titles). Acquisition of computer equipment and laboratory utensils as part of the implementation of state-funded and contractual research.

Marketing and career guidance

Providing leadership in the regional education market.

To ensure the admission of students within the indicative plan and 100 % employment of graduates. Career guidance work in schools No.9, 24, 40 assigned to the department. Attracting applicants – 115 people..


Discussed and approved at a meeting of the department (Minutes No. 1а dated August 27, 2024)   

Head of the Department of Biology and Ecology                       A. Kaliyeva

Agreed by                             

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences                                                 М. Yelubay

