Research Center for Environmental Monitoring

The Ecological Research- and Scientific Eco Centre “Monitoring” was founded according to the PSU Rector’s order on the 07.09.2005. The activity of the ERSEC “Monitoring” deals with the development and effectiveness of scientific researches, conducting of applying and fundamental researches for modern innovative technologies creation and new scientific productions, speeding-up of received results for using them in production and education, ensuring of further development and unity of the scientific work with the teaching process in the university, strengthening the connections in the sphere of scientific research activity.

The Ecological Research-and Scientific Eco Centre “Monitoring” is accountable to the Rector’s assistant for innovations and new technologies.

The Ecological Research-and Scientific Eco Centre works according to the elaborating plans.

The Ecological Research-and Scientific Centre Eco “Monitoring” in his activity is guided by the working laws of Kazakhstan “About Standardization”, “About Certification” and other normative laws of Kazakhstan.

Tasks in innovative scientific – methodical work;

  • studying up-to-date science achievements and production in the sphere of environmental and natural resources monitoring;
  • methodical help in improving environmental and natural resources monitoring of the region;
  • preparing and repreparing and qualification improvement of ECO monitoring staff;
  • preparing and publication of recommendations on environmental and natural resources monitoring problems.

Tasks in innovative scientific – research work;

  • conducting of scientific researches in the sphere of environmental and natural resources protection;
  • forming of scientific laboratories in the sphere of environmental and natural resources monitoring.

The director of the scientific-research eco center “Monitoring”

Akhmetov Kanat Kambarovich is a doctor of biology, professor, scientific pedagogical work experience is 34 years.

He was graduated from biologico-chemical faculty of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. In 1988 he entered postgraduate courses of the Institute of zoology SA of KazSSR. In 1990 he was graduated from this course and defended the dissertation “Micro morphology and gist chemistry of sex system of some types of trematoda”  successfully for a degree of the candidate of biology. Since 1990 he has worked as a dotsent of “General Biology”, “Zoology, botanic and agriculture basis” and “Zoology, botanic and physiology” Departments of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. Throughout these years he proved himself as a responsible, disciplined and perspective young scientist. Hence during 1996-2003 he worked as the dean of the faculty of natural science and pedagogics, the director of educational-practice complex “Natural science and pedagogics”, the dean of the faculty of natural science, the director of the Institute of natural science at the Toraighyrov University. In 2004 he defended the dissertation for a degree of Doctor of biology, code 03.00.19 - parasitology. Kanat Kambarovich was awarded with the sign “Deserved scientist of RK”.

In 2004-2005 he was invited as a Pro-rector on international affairs and development of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. In 2006-2008 he worked as the Pro-rector on scientific work and international cooperation of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.

He developed and introduced the special courses as “Functional morphology of helminthes”, “Bloodsucking dipterous of Pavlodar priirtyshiye and biological control of their population”.

Under his supervision two dissertations for a degree of the candidate of biology, more than 40 master’s dissertations were defended, students’ research works led by him were marked twice in 1999 and 2002 with Honour Papers of the ministry of education and science.

K.K.Akhmetov works on popularization and preservation of paleontology memorial Geese Passage, took part in 6 paleontological expeditions held by SA of KazSSR and USSR.

Under his supervision the number of regional applied and research projects are held. In 2000-2004 he studied biology of bloodsucking midges in the Irtysh average current. It has become the basis for the development of midge fight algorithm and is used annually up to now.

During recent two years K.K.Akhmetov organized and supervised two international expeditions of Kazakhstani, Russian and British scientists.

In 2008 he supervises the World Bank and Agriculture Ministry of RK project on program “Republic forest preservations and expansion”.

In 2009 the center developed the use technology of microbial drug «Бактицид» produced by JSC «Симбиофарм» (Novosibirsk, Bertsk) to reduce the number of larvae (larval stages of blackflies in rivers).

Senior scholar of  the scientific-research eco center “Monitoring”, senior educator of the ecology department Ubaskin Alexander Vasiliyevich.

The candidate of biology.


Omsk State Pedagogical University postgraduate course, code - 03.00.16. - ecology

The dissertation theme: “Eco biological peculiarities of Artemia (Crustacea. Anostraga) of Pavlodar region salt lakes.

Scientific interests: ichthyology, salt lakes ecology, bio index of water system pollution, rare and dying kinds, especially preserved natural territories.

List of scientific papers by Akhmetov K.K., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor for 2019-2023

1. Фауна и паразитологический анализ зараженности диких птиц павлодарской области трематодами двух семейств. Вестник КазНУ, Experimental Biology. №4 (81). – 2019 г. Д.Г. Маралбаева, Р.М. Уалиева, М.К. Инсебаева.

2. Процесс формирования скорлупы яиц на примере трематоды Dendrithobilharcia purverulenta (Braun, 1901). Вестник ЕНУ, DOI: – 2019 г. Уалиева Р.М., С.Б. Жангазин.

3. Features of the distribution of three species of fish Trematodes in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan. Geo-Eco-Marina. 2020. D. Maralbayeva.

4. Species of bird trematodes ofthe family Echinostomatidae (Dietz, 1909) common in Northeast Kazakhstan from the point of view of the current state of the fauna. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. 2020. D. Maralbayeva.

5. Several features of ultrastructural organization and function of tegument of the trematodes Microphallus montanus (Belyakova, Kulkina, 1998): Microphaiilidae. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol 23, No 1, Ser.No. 77. – 2022. Akhmetov K.K., Chidunchi I.Yu., Kusainov A.A.

6. Agrotechnological methods of plant feeders applying for spring wheat agrocenoses – North-Eastern Kazakhstan varieties. Journal of Water and Land Development DOI: 10.24425/jwld.2022.142301. – 2022, No. 55 (X–XII): 28–40. R. Ualiyeva, A. Kukusheva, M. Insebayeva, K. Akhmetov, S. Zhangazin, M. Krykbayeva.


The staff of the scientific-research eco center “Monitoring” took part in working out some scientific-research self-financing-contract themes:

The order of caring out is done according to the worked out plan of the scientific-research eco center “Monitoring”.

Concluding a treaty to conduct a research work next year (2009).

Title of ThemeScientific supervisor
1Test of biological Russian producing “Bacticid” to limit the number bloodsacking two-wings in the region.

the doctor of biology
Akhmetov K.K.

2Scientific accompanying to limit the number in Pavlodar city, Aksu town.the doctor of biology
Akhmetov K.K.
3Work on ecological project.the doctor of biology
Akhmetov K.K.