Educational work

The purpose of the educational process is the comprehensive harmonious development of students:

• education of positive personality traits;

• development of an active life position;

• ability for self-improvement, self-education, self-control;

• fostering self-esteem;

• development of moral and spiritual dignity;

• development of a physically healthy person;

• culture of behavior;

• ecological culture.

The tasks of the educational process are:

• cultivation of patriotism in the unity of ethical norms and aesthetic values, respect for the laws of the country and civil rights of the individual;

• formation of a picture of the world outlook in the student's mind;

• philosophical and ideological orientation of students in understanding the meaning of life, their uniqueness and value;

• familiarizing with  the system of cultural values expressing the wealth of universal and national culture, the formation of a personal attitude towards them;

• assimilation of universal human norms (truth, justice, goodness, beauty, mutual understanding, sympathy, mercy, etc.), following them in life and cultivating intelligence as a significant personal quality;

• cultivating attitudes towards work as socially and personally significant needs;

• development of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Educational work at the department is carried out in accordance with the plan of the Educational work of the faculty and Toraighyrov University.

Students of all courses systematically participated in various events held at the university: sports competitions, the Miss TOU beauty contest, essay competition, initiation into the faculty students, a football tournament for the rector’s cup, flash mob, debates, etc.


For the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the Department of Biology and Ecology participated:

- within the framework of the event "Marathon of cleanliness" together with "Zhasyl El" in landscaping the territory of the athletics arena "Sport City", in volunteer work, in the international action "March of Parks", clean-up days, environmental actions;

- in conferences: "Actual problems of ecology of North-East Kazakhstan", "XIV Toraigyrov readings", "XXIII Satpayev readings", etc.;

- in the round table "Actual problems of fire and technosphere safety" (students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "6B11201 - Life safety and environmental protection" and undergraduates); 

They completed an internship in the state bodies of the Pavlodar region and received certificates of 16 hours of the school of a young specialist "Мемлекеттік қызметке талантты, білімді, жасампаз жастарды тарту" (Manap Diana, Zhumat Akerke, Muzdafiy Dinasyl, Otkenova Dana);

Students of the department of 1-4 courses in all specialties took advanced training courses in the educational platform "Coursera".

Students of the 4th year participated in Job fairs organized by the Career Center of NAO "Toraigyrov University".

Curators of academic groups conducted curatorial hours on the following topics:

- "Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

- "Basic provisions of the constitution on human rights and their implementation";

- "Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

- “It is our civic duty to speak the state language”;

- "New horizons of education and science - increasing the competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan", etc.

Toraighyrov University hosted a large-scale anti-corruption campaign "Clean Session", organized by the Compliance Service, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main goal of the "Clean Action" campaign is the formation of legal consciousness and active citizenship of students, intolerance to manifestations of violations of anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by all students of the Department of Biology and Ecology.

During the campaign, agitation work was carried out against corruption. So in all the buildings of the university were installed "Boxes of confidence" for comments and suggestions of students. In addition, a survey of students was conducted for satisfaction with the quality of the provision of educational services and examinations, open discussions of problems related to negative facts were organized during the examination session.

- Each student must show intolerance to manifestations of corruption during sessions and seek for justice within the framework of their rights to a quality education. Information and explanatory work on the prevention of corruption is being carried out on an ongoing basis at Toraighyrov University.

The events are carried out in order to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the examination session, prevent corruption, as well as increase the vigilance of students towards violations of the law in an educational institution.

Achievements of students of the Department of Biology and Ecology for the 2022-2023 academic year






Pichugina V.



Diploma of the I degree for participation in the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren " XIV Toraigyrov Readings" NJSC "Toraigyrov University"


Pichugina V.,

Biryukova А.




Diploma of the II degree for participation in the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren " XXIII Satpaev Readings" NJSC "Toraigyrov University"


Pichugina V.,

Biryukova А.


3rd place in the Republican competition for research work of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Biology section. Project on the topic: Monitoring of phytophages in agrocenoses of foreign spring wheat varieties and Kazakh selection, taking into account various agrotechnological techniques similar to the North-East of Kazakhstan.


Mokina А


2nd place in the XIV Republican distance competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates, young scientists “Research of young scientists, theory and practice”


Plesovskikh K.,

Chentsova E.,

Naumova А.



3rd place for participation in the international student online Olympiad in the specialty 5B06203-Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources


Zhumat A.



Diploma of the 3rd degree of the Republican competition of research work and methodological developments of Margulan University


Manap Diana


Diploma of the 1st degree of the Republican competition of research work and methodological developments of Margulan University






Diploma of the 3rd degree for participation in the International Scientific Conference of Students and Schoolchildren XIV Toraigyrov Readings

In general, students of the department of "Biology and Ecology" are actively involved in the research work of the department.