Уважаемые студенты образовательных программ

6В05101 – Биология, 6В07241 – Металлургия, 6В07120 – Машиностроение!

Сообщаем о II этапе Республиканского конкурса

научно-исследовательских работ студентов!

Согласно письму Комитета высшего и послевузовского образования                   МНВО РК № 14-0/1324-ВН от 26.03.2025 г., НАО «Торайгыров университет» является базовым вузом по проведению ежегодного Республиканского конкурса научно-исследовательских работ студентов в высших учебных заведениях Республики Казахстан по образовательным программам 6В05101 – Биология, 6В07241 – Металлургия, 6В07120 – Машиностроение.

Просим предоставить лучшие работы студентов для участия во II этапе конкурса на бумажном и электронном носителе (с пометкой на «Республиканский конкурс НИРС») по адресу: 140008, г. Павлодар, ул. Ломова, 64, НАО «Торайгыров университет», Отдел науки и коммерциализации, каб. 238а, тел.: 8(7182) 67-36-83 (вн.: 11-12), на электронную почту ответственных лиц по направлениям:

6В05101 – Биология (Жапар Жазира Бақұбайқызы, zhapar-zhazira@mail.ru, тел.: +7 777 864 02 71);

6В07241 – Металлургия (Куандыков Алмаз Болатович, azeka200892@mail.ru, тел.:+7 705 441 72 48);

6В07120 – Машиностроение (Миллер Сергей Андреевич, Sergey_miller_09@mail.ru, тел.: +7 705 161 82 16).

Работы принимаются согласно рекомендациям по организации и проведению ежегодного Республиканского конкурса научно-исследовательских работ студентов в высших учебных заведениях Республики Казахстан до 30 апреля 2025 года.

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Письмо КВПО МНВО РК.pdf
рекомендации НИРС.doc
Список базовых вузов.xlsx
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2025-03-31 00:00:00


in distance format


On April 30, 2025, “Toraighyrov University” NJSC will hold an International Student Olympiad among students of economics, which will be held in several stages.

Registration for participation in the Olympiad is available at the link:


Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

The form of event: online


1 Subject, goals

The subject of the Olympiad is the result of the learners’ tests and essays.

The main goal of the international Student Olympiad is to identify and develop learners’ creative abilities, interest in research, self-presentation, and teamwork.


2 The order of the Olympiad

The Olympiad will be held in the form of a team game in the following stages.

The first stage is the solution of test tasks and analytical tasks in online format in economic disciplines, which will be conducted to identify knowledge in the field of macroeconomics and microeconomics.

The second stage is writing an essay on the topic: “How digitalization is changing the labor market and education: challenges and prospects”. The essay must be prepared in advance and submitted by the team during the Olympiad. The time for the presentation of the essay is from 5-7 minutes.


3 Participants of competition

Students of higher educational institutions studying economics in 2-3 courses are allowed to participate in the Olympiad.

Students go through 2 stages, testing and essay presentation.

The team should consist of 2 to 4 people under the guidance of a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of a leading profile department.

For participation in the Olympiad it takes to register via the link no later than April 25, 2025.

Participation in the Olympiad is free of charge. Registration after 04/25/2025 will be closed.

The Olympiad is held within the framework of the IRN grant project AP19676438 “Mechanism for ensuring balanced interaction of the labor market and the education system in the context of digitalization of the economy”.

The source of funding is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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англ - положение по конкурсу.docx
положение по конкурсу.docx
каз - положение по конкурсу.docx
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2025-03-31 00:00:00

Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем вас принять участие в курсе повышения квалификации для учителей информатики на тему «Методические основы применения технологии геймификации в образовании».
В рамках курса вы познакомитесь с современными подходами использования игровых механик в образовательном процессе, узнаете о  методах геймификации и как их применять для повышения мотивации учащихся.

| 715
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2025-03-26 00:00:00

In the period from March 18 to March 20, 2025, the external expert commission of the Central Asian Association for Education Accreditation is working within the framework of specialized accreditation of 16 educational programs. Good luck!

| 713
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2025-03-18 00:00:00

Уважаемые преподаватели, докторанты, магистранты!  Приглашаем вас на вебинары по Scopus от Elsevier:

Понедельник 17 марта, 16:00 — Основы Scopus: поиск научной литературы и журналов, базовые метрики -https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Rxv9KmwVR9qGjZZD8uojgw

Вторник 18 марта, 16:00 — Поиск литературы в Scopus: Углубленный вебинар - https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_flDJfz9oT42fHqY9tzgi_A

Среда 19 марта, 15:00 — Literature search in Scopus (In English) - https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uQbjHwA6SYquW784CGdMFA

 Четверг, 26 марта, 16:00 — Авторские профили в Scopus: витрина ваших научных достижений - https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9F45COsTQRSQTgy58PeOeQ

Спикер: Антон Дегтев, консультант по научно- исследовательским решениям Elsevier.

Другие вебинары Elsevier на английском – https://www.elsevier.com/hubs/central-and-eastern-europe-customer-hub и Researcher Academy  

| 712
Анонс Вебинаров Elsevier March (1).pdf
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2025-03-17 00:00:00


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2025-03-13 00:00:00

On Tuesday, March 18, at 2 p.m., an open lecture by the Candidate of Sciences will be held in lecture hall A3.geogr.Professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism Alexander Vladimirovich Bely on the topic:
"Decarbonization of the economy: from theory to practice"
Lecture content:
Modern ideas about global climate change and Kazakhstan 's climate,
Decarbonization of the economy: a fashion trend or an urgent need ?
Practical cases on decarbonization
Areas of employment for specialists with geographical and tourism education while expanding the areas of decarbonization.

Students of 3-4 courses, undergraduates, doctoral students are invited.

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2025-03-12 00:00:00

From March 12 to 14, 2025, an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating will be working as part of the specialized accreditation of four educational programs: 7M04154 Marketing, 8D02301 Philology, 7M04151 Economics, and 7M04152 Management. We wish you good luck!

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2025-03-12 00:00:00


On the increase in tuition fees

Dear students!

According to the Qualification requirements for the educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, approved by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.01.2024 No. 4 the minimum costs for 1 (one) student on a paid basis must be at least 50% of the cost of the state educational order for training personnel with higher and (or) postgraduate education for the corresponding academic year and based on clause 3.1. of the agreement for the provision of educational services, the university management informs about the increase in tuition fees for the next academic year.

From September 1, 2025, tuition fees for all students (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) will be increased. Tuition fees will be presented in students' personal accounts.

To sign an additional agreement and find out the new tuition fee, please contact the dean’s office of your faculty.

Please come to the dean's office to sign an additional agreement.

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2025-03-06 00:00:00

In order to support educated youth, the Dauletten Charitable Foundation announces a competition for the award of the Bilimnin Zhuldyz scholarship. The contest rules are in the application.

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2025-03-05 00:00:00


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2025-03-04 00:00:00


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2025-03-04 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «курсы казахского языка» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 0,
Dates of the course: c 04-11-2024 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Кожахметова Б. Р.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 702
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2025-02-26 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Психологическая наука и ее отрасли: теории, практики и инновации»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 20000,
Dates of the course: c 10-02-2025 до 21-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Тулекова Г.М.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 700
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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Электрические машины» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 40000,
Dates of the course: c 03-02-2025 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Карманов А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 699
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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Электроэнергетические сети и системы» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 40000,
Dates of the course: c 03-02-2025 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Карманов А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 698
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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Электроприводы в современных технологиях» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 40000,
Dates of the course: c 03-02-2025 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Карманов А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 697
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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Современная электроэнергетика» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 40000,
Dates of the course: c 03-02-2025 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Карманов А.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 696
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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Парогазовые и газотурбинные установки ТЭС и АЭС» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 40000,
Dates of the course: c 03-02-2025 до 14-02-2025,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Карманов А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

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2025-02-13 00:00:00

Dear students and master's!


A competition is being announced among 2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate students, as well as 1st-year master's students, for studying in the fall semester of the 2025-2026 academic year at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, under the Erasmus+ program.

Number of seats: 1

The deadline for submitting applications is - 07.03.2025y.


Eligibility requirements for participation:


Proficiency in a foreign language (English), at least B2 level (certificate required).

Academic performance: grades "A", "A-", "B+", "B", "B-".

Awards and certificates are welcomed.


Required documents to participate in the competition:


Fill out the application form (Application Form - 1).

Complete the Learning Agreement with the selected courses.

Motivation letter in English.

English language certificate (at least B2 level).

Transcript in English.

Passport (copy and pdf scan).

Recommendation letter from the faculty dean and department head.


The document package must be submitted to the International Office (room 260).

For all questions, please contact the International Office (room 260) or call +7-7182-67-36-85 (ext. 1205).


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Application form ToU-Erasmus +.docx
Learning Agreement ToU-Erasmus+.docx
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2025-02-12 00:00:00