Scholastic degree
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
Karaganda State University, History (1992). Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.06 Archaeology (2008)
Professional experience
12 years
Subjects taught
History of Kazakhstan; Modern History of Kazakhstan; Modern and Contemporary History of Asia and Africa; Sources in History of Kazakhstan; Sources in Foreign Countries History; Profession-Oriented Foreign Language
Scientific publications
over 60 1) Мерц В.К. Работы на стоянке Нурманбет 1 // Проблемы охраны, изучения и использования культурного наследия Алтая. Барнаул, 1995. – С. 42-47.– С. 56-60. 2) Мерц В.К. Нижнепалеолитический комплекс стоянки – мастерской Экибастуз 20 // Каменный век Казахстана и сопредельных территорий. Туркестан, 1998. – С. 144-159. 3) Мерц В.К. Стоянка каменного века Кара-Будур 3 // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул. 1998. – С. 51-54. Остеологический комплекс поселения Борлы // Маргулановские чтения - 2012: Материалы ежегодной научно-практической конференции. Астана, 2012. – С. 27-29. 4) Мерц В.К. Раскопки поселения Борлы // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул, 2013. – С. 196-206. 5) Мерц В.К. Новые материалы раннего бронзового века из Западной части Кулундинской равнины // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул, 2013. – С. 207-215. 6) Мерц В.К. Zinn und Kupfer aus dem Osten Kasachtans. Erdebnisse tines deutcsh-kasachicshen Projektes 2003-2008 // Unbekanntes Kasachstan Archeologie im Herzen Asiens. T.1, Bochum, 2013. – S. 357-382.
Field of scientific research
Archaeology, Archaeology of Pavlodar region. He is now working on the concept of cultural and historical development of the North-Eastern Kazakhstan from ancient times to the Middle Ages, projects of studying complexes of archeological monuments and creation of historical and archeological museum complexes in the open air.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Participant of many national and international scientific and practical conferences on archeology of Kazakhstan and Russia, and research projects. Author of more than fifty scientific papers published in a number of scientific journals in Kazakhstan, Russia and Germany; the editor of several collections of scientific papers devoted to the study of archaeological monuments of Pavlodar region. He discovered a number of unique archaeological sites, including multilayer site Shiderty 3 (Stone Age) studied in 2005-2006 under the state program "Cultural Heritage"; monuments of the Early Bronze Age; petroglyphs in Akbidaik and one of the oldest locations of pebble tools derived from deposits of ancient terrace of the Irtysh near Lebyazhye village.