Yestay Kuandykovich Zhusupov
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
Semipalatinsk State University, History (1996); Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.02 National History (2000)
Professional experience
14 years
Subjects taught
Ancient and Medieval History and Historiography of Pavlodar Region; Modern and Contemporary History of Pavlodar Region; Modern History of Kazakhstan; History of Eurasia; Archive Science; History of Kazakhstan
Scientific publications
140 scientific papers and 3 monographs.
Field of scientific research
history of Kazakhstan of the 18th-19th centuries, Kazakh shezhire, historical figures.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyev medal (2000)
Room number, building
Office phone