Saltanat Sovetovna Aubakirova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
higher, S. Toraighyrov PSU, the field of study: Pedagogy and Psychology, the awarded degree: the BA in Pedagogy and Psychology (2007); the Master’s degree program 6М010200 Philosophy, S. Toraighyrov PSU, the awarded degree: the MA in Philosophy (MPhil) (2010); postgraduate studies in Culturology (the academic program: 6D020400 Culturology) at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University(2016)
Professional experience
15 years
Subjects taught
Philosophy, Culturology, History of world culture, World artistic culture, Philosophy and theory of culture, Ethical and aesthetic in the work of M.Zh. Kopeyev, S. Toraighyrov and Zh. Aimauytov, Methodology of field research, Systematic studies of culture, Introduction to cultural studies and the foundations of scientific research, Theory and practice of intercultural communication, Expertise of cultural values, Historical cultural studies
Scientific publications
Scientific publications - 80 1. Tolerance in contemporary Kazakhstan sociocultural space. /European Journal of Science and Theology, December 2014, Vol.10, No.6, 89-98. (Q1) 2. Tolerance as a phenomenon of kazakh culture. /International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(11): 1110-1115. 3. Tolerance Issue in Kazakh Culture. / International journal of environmental & science education 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 4, 349-358. 4. Developing reflective dialogue educational approach using the Moodle distance learning platform//Interactive Learning Environments, 2022 (Q2) 5. The peculiarity of the dialectical ideas of the Second Teacher, a prominent representative of the Muslim Renaissance, Metaphilosophy LLC and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2023 (Q1) 6. Experience in forming entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan universities in the conditions of information and digital development, Frontiers in education Volume 8 - 2023 (Q1) 7. Kazakhstan’s Society ModernizaJournal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 2023, Vol.10, No. 4, 81-101 (Q1)
Field of scientific research
Kazakh philosophy, national culture.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
a certificate of merit from Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye. Sagadiyev (2018); the certificate of the expert of IAAR (Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating).