Ramilya Gennadievna Zhayabaeva
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
MA in Sociology
higher, Omsk State Pedagogical University, the field of study: the Russian Language and Literature (2006); a Master’s degree in Sociology earned from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2008); higher professional education, Toraigyrov University, specialty "Cultural Studies" 2021
Professional experience
17 years
Subjects taught
Sociology; Sociology and Psychology of Culture; Marketing and Branding; Modern Ethnoreligious and Intercultural Processes; Сultural studies
Scientific publications
17 1. «Instagram as an advertising platform» Сагитова А.Б. // Международной научно-практическая конференция «ХVII Сатпаевские чтения», 2017. – С. 448-451. 2. Жаябаева Р.Г., Абдикакимов М.Т., Артыкбаева Г.Т. Социология предпринимательства и маркетинг: учебное пособие для студентов ВУЗ. – Павлодар: Кереку, 2017. – 169 с. 3. «Образование – фундаментальный фактор успеха» // Республиканская научно-практическая конференция «Тенденции и перспективы развития современной науки и образования в Казахстане», 2018. – С. 236-240. 4. Субкультуры: история и современность (исчезнувшие субкультуры). Сборник материалов международной научной конференции молодых ученых, студентов и школьников «ХVI Сатпаевские чтения». Павлодар, 2016. 5. Состояние и перспективы развития казахстанских сел: социологический анализ//Вестник ПГУ. Гуманитарная серия. 6.Проблемы современного общества: конфликтность внутрисемейных ролей и интеракция//Вестник ПГУ. Гуманитарная серия. 7.Кәсіпкерлік білім берудің дамуы мен рөлі//Вестник Торайгыров Университета, № 2 (серия Педагогическая).Вестник Торайгыров Университета, Гуманитарная серия,№ 4 Павлодар 8.КӘСІПКЕРЛІК УНИВЕРСИТЕТТЕРДІҢ ЕРЕКШЕЛІКТЕРІ МЕН БІЛІМ БЕРУ ТРАЕКТОРИЯСЫ//Вестник Торайгыров Университет, Серия Педагогическая № 1, 2022 8.СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ИНТЕРНЕТ-КУЛЬТУРЫ//Вестник Торайгыров Университета, Гуманитарная серия,№ 4 Павлодар. 9.Experience in forming entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan universities in the conditions of information and digital development//Frontiers in education https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/education Switzerland Publisher - Frontiers Media S.A. ISSN 2504-284X Scopus Q2 (Education) Percentile - 58 CiteScore - 2.3 Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation IndexFront. Educ. 8:1199392. 10.Аубакирова С. С., Кожамжарова М. Ж., Абдикакимов М. Т., Жумабекова Г. А., Ахметова Г. Г., Артыкбаева Г. Т., Жаябаева Р. Г., Искакова З. С., Коспаков А. М. Развитие предпринимательских навыков обучающихся в образовательной системе НАО «Торайгыров университет». 11. Султанова Г.Ш., Жаябаева Р.Г., Айтмагамбетова М.Б. Массовая культура в современном обществе. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6674-932X
Field of scientific research
Gender dimensions of migration
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1.Training course “Marketing Technologies” delivered by Zh. Prashkevich (2016, PSU); 2.the workshop on the theme of “Building Effective Monetization Models” (2016, PSU). 3.The National Center for Professional Development Orleu: “Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Higher Educational Institutions within the Updated Content of Education” (240 h), June 2018. 4.Theory and practice of modern leadership (2019, ПГУ). 5. “Rukhani Zhangyru” bagdarlamasy ayasynda Kazakhstan madenietinin lady tendnalary” (72 h), (2019, PSU). 6. Forms and methods for assessing the educational achievements of students in the context of updating the content of education (72 h), (2019, PSU). 7. Intercultural communications and conflict resolution in the academic environment (72 h), (2019, PSU). 8.Module 1. entrepreneurship for everyone. Module 2. Online training. Module 3. Academic entrepreneurship. YbraiCamp - Summer school for teachers and staff of the community “Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship (53 hours), (2020, PSU). 9.MS Excel: basic and advanced level (72 hours), (2021, ToU). 10. Intercultural communications and migration processes in the Pavlodar region (72 hours), (2021, Pavlodar). 11. Current problems of teaching philosophy and cultural studies in blended learning conditions (72 hours), (2021, ToU). 12.Implementation of regional studies disciplines in educational organizations in the countries of Greater Altai and Central Asia (72 hours), (2021, Barnaul). 13.Development of new and innovative educational programs (72 hours), (2021, ToU). 14.Basics of creating educational video content (72 hours) (2022, Nur-Sultan). 15. Innovative educational programs: experience in development and implementation (2022, ToU). 16.Elementary (96 h), (2022, ToU). 17. "Clearly! Clearly! Clearly!" (2022, ToU). 18. Management in education: the role of the cycle “General education disciplines” in achieving learning outcomes in educational programs” (90 hours), (2023, ToU). 19.Pre-Intermediate (A-2) level (96 h), (2023, ToU). 20. Letter of gratitude. Pavlodar regional maslikhat (2018). 21.Diploma. Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" (2021). 22. Letter of thanks. JSC National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" (2020). 23. Letter of thanks. Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrova (2017). 24. Letter of thanks. Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrova (2018). 25. Letter of thanks. Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrova (2016). 26.Algys hut. Eurasia University (2022). 27.Diploma II-more. Eurasia University (2022). 28. Letter of thanks. KSU "Center for the provision of special social services for the rehabilitation of children with musculoskeletal disorders" of the Department for Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of the Pavlodar Region (2022). 29. Letter of gratitude from the Akim of the city of Pavlodar (2023).
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