Mayra Zhanaydarovna Kozhamzharova
Head of the Department
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
higher, Tomsk State University named after Kuibyshev, Faculty of Philosophy, 1989 2009 - defended her thesis on specialty 09.00.08 - "Philosophy of Science and Technology" (Institute of Philosophy and Political Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Professional experience
27 years
Subjects taught
Philosophy, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Education, Medieval Arab-Islamic Philosophy, Aqidah As the Basis of Islamic Creed, Time Management, Logic
Scientific publications
about 46 scientific works, including 10 articles recommended be HAC of the RK, 1 study guide, 1 vocabulary in a group of authors, in two collective monographs, 1 publication in Scopus. Also has scientific publications in Germany, Czechoslovakia, England. 1.Влияние новых религиозных движений на современную религиозную ситуацию в Казахстане// Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. Серия философия. Серия культурология. Серия политология, 2014. – № 2(47); 2.Оn the methodology of studying the phenomenon of patriotism// European Journal of Science and Theology, December 2014, Vol.10, No.6, Р. 217-224 (A. A. Uyzbayeva, A. Sagikyzy, G. G. Akhmetova); 3. Коллективная монография «Новые религиозные движения в Казахстане», Павлодар: Дом Печати, 2014 г. – 200 с. 4. Мәңгілік Ел» как новая ступень духовной эволюции (проект) (в сооавтор Г.Г.Ахметова, Кокумбаева Б.Д., Смирнова Н.) Адам әлемі // Философский и общественно-гуманитарный журнал. - 2017. - №1(71). – С 114-123 5. Integration of migrant workers as part of the migration policy of the republic of Kazakhstan (в сооавтор. Алтыбасарова М.А., Бейсембаева Г., Амангалиева З., Траисова Т.)// Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2016 – Vol. 7. – pp. 1588 – 1597
Field of scientific research
problems of scientific rationality, the ethno-confessional sphere, new religious movements
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- The owner of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2016); - designer and academic adviser of research funded by S/b upon the budget program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Grant funding for research for 2012 - 2014 years" on the topic: "New religious movements in Kazakhstan"; - Participation in the International Summer School of Almaty Management University, course "Innovative knowledge in the modern system of education" (Issyk-Kul, July 2-10, 2016); - Participation in the program and a seminar on the theme "Universities of entrepreneurial ecosystem. The development and integration into the global innovation system "(California, USA 2016). - Participation in the international summer school on the theme of “Management of Changes” held by Almaty University of Management (Azerbaijan, Baku, July 2017); - a certificate of the expert of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (the abbreviated name in Russian: NAAR).
Room number, building
Office phone