The main directions of work of the SPC of history and ethnography of the region named after E.Bekmakhanov:

1.     Problems of the socio-methodological program for the study of the history and ethnography of the region.

2.     Development of a general program for the study of history and ethnography, culture of the region.

3.     Collection of new unexplored facts about the history of law, their scientific analysis and systematization.

4.     Publication of scientific and methodological manuals for students, undergraduates and researchers.

5.     Development of scientific projects within the framework of the program to strengthen the ethnocultural education of youth.



1.     Publication of collections of multivolume essays on the history and ethnography of the region.

2.     Introduction of a monographic study on the ethnography of the region.

3.     Collection of materials about the history and ethnography of the region, a comprehensive analysis of available research projects, work with materials of the expedition and factual documentation.

4.     Implementation of scientific relations with local scientific and other regional organizations.

5.     Systematization of collected materials.

6.     Creation of the necessary conditions for the publication of local history materials, high-quality execution of editorial and proofreading work with texts.  


Goal: Study of the cultural history and ethnography of the region, preparation, on this basis, of planned scientific projects to turn the research results into heritage. Presentation of the contribution of scientific and creative works of great Kazakh writers and scientists. The work is intensified on the modernism of traditions, on this basis, reference books, encyclopedias and other scientific works should be provided. All inserted works are distributed to readers interested in this area and are implemented to study cultural heritage in Kazakh schools.


Achievements in quality scientific and practical center E. Bekmakhanov for the 2020-2021 academic year

1. A glossary was published for the materials being introduced into the eccyclopedia.

2. The collected materials on the encyclopedia «Nursultan Nazarbayev»were edited.

3. A six-volume collection of works by the outstanding scientist, critic, Doctor of Philology Bekmurat Uakatov has been published.

4. In the 2020-2021 academic year, articles were written for the program articles «A Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness», «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe», meetings were held in Pavlodar, regional centers.


Quality objectives scientific and practical center E. Bekmakhanov for the 2021-2022 academic year

 1.     Conducting explanatory work in Pavlodar, regional centers under the program «Look into the future: modernization of public consciousness», «Seven facets of the Great Steppe».

2.     Completion of the «Alkey Marulan» eccyclopedia within the framework of the «Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness» program.

3.     Work with archival materials on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev «On the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression» dated November 24, 2020 No. 456.

4.     Publication of books on the 6-volume collection of works by Dr. Bekmurat Uakatov, distribution in schools of the region.

5.     Development of a dictionary for the encyclopedia dedicated to «Shokan Uulikhanov».


Members of the Center

Kudabaev Amantay Zhetpisovich is the compiler and author of the following editions: 3-volume encyclopedic edition «Қазақ мəдениеті» («Қазақ тілі» (1998), «Қазақ əдебиеті» (2000), «Қазақ өнері» (2002) foreword by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. And also a book about the life of the Kazakh steppe thinkers «Дала даналары» (1997), a series of Кереку-Баян кітапханасы «Рухнама» (50 томов, 2007), an encyclopedia «Павлодарское Прииртышье» (2003), a photo album «Кереку-Баян тұлғалары» (2005),  a book «Ғұлама», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kazakh great scientist, academician Alkey Margulan (2003), 7 volumes of essays of Ermakhan Bekmakhanov «Ермахан Бекмаханов» (2006),  «Шарапатты Оолжабай» (2014), «Қазақ тіл білімінің антологиясы» (45 volumes, 2007),  А.Shamkenov «Өмірім менің өлеңім» (2007), series of encyclopedias dedicated to personalities, «Мəшһүр Жүсіп Көпейұлы» (2010)  and «Сұлтанмахмұт Торайғыров» (2018), as well as 6 volumes about the life and S. Toraigyrov's activities named «Асау жүрек» (2011), «Кереку ақын жазушыларының антологиясы» dedicated to poets and writers of Pavlodar region (35 volumes), the publication ofx «Даланың дархан дүлдүлі», dedicated to the great writer, Kazakh akyn Iliyas Zhansugirov, a book «Исабек Ишан» (2011) about one of the founders of Islam in Saryarka, a collection of rites in 5 volumes by A. Shamkenov. He is the compiler and editor-in-chief of the encyclopedia of Pavlodar region in the Kazakh language «Ертістің Павлодар өңірі» (2013). He is the author of articles included in the 9-volume reference book «Қазақтар» (1998), as well as the author of articles written in the book «Адам жəне қоғам».

Kudabaev Amantay Zhetpisovich has made a huge contribution to the development of the republican program «Культурное наследие» for 30 years. He created an integral system for studying cultural heritage, including modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs, as well as a fund for humanitarian education in the state language and historical encyclopedic literature. He made a significant contribution to the popularization of scientific knowledge, preparation and publication of the best examples of national literature, achievements of scientific thought, culture and literature in the state language.

         Based on the results of scientific work, he summarized and systematized archaeological, archival and ethnocultural research works, published monographs, textbooks, an encyclopedia of historical figures. He actively works in the field of cultural studies, namely, Russian-Kazakhstani intercultural relations. Organized a search in the archives of Kazakhstan and Russia to obtain valuable historical and cultural information and constant information support in the media, social advertising in order to preserve and develop the historical and cultural heritage.

From 2017 to 2019 Kudabaev A.Zh. within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhagyru" program  headed the cultural  research work to study the historical area of the struggle of the Kazakh people with the Zhungar invasion in the tract «Қалмаққырған» May district of Pavlodar region, where archaeological excavations were carried out. Kudabaev A.Zh. studied archival materials of Omsk, Tarsk, Novosibirsk and Almaty, under his co-authorship a book «Серектас шайқасы» was written. In November 2019, an international scientific and practical conference  «Қалмаққырған жерін археологиялық-этнографиялық зерттеу» was held.

Currently Kudabaev A.Zh. working on creating an encyclopedia «Әлкей Марғұлан». Materials for encyclopedias «Шоқан Уәлиханов» and «Жеті қазына» are being collected.  

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Құрметті қызметкері» (2006), medals «Астанаға 10 жыл» (2008), «Ана тілінің айбары» (2010), «ҚР Мəдениет қайраткері» (2010), «ҚР Тəуелсіздігіне 20 жыл» (2011) and «Павлодар облысына 75 жыл» (2013), breastplate «Облыс алдында сіңірген еңбегі үшін» (2013). Awarded with the order «Құрмет» (2014).

 Professional experience: 45 years

 Contact phone number: 673647 (ext 1160)

 Room number: А-208


Alshynova Gulnur Dauletovna

Position: technical editor

Education: higher

Awards, diplomas, certificates: 2 certificates

Contact phone number: 673647 (ext 1160)

Room number: А-244



Bozanbaeva Aigerim Maratovna  

Position: technical editor

Education: higher

Awards, diplomas, certificates: 2 certificates

Contact phone number: 673647 (ext 1160)

Room number: А-244




Quality objectives
Achievements in the field of quality