
Research work
Research work is one of the priority areas of activity of the department. All scientific research in the field of philosophy, cultural studies, sociology and political science is carried out within the framework of the state program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The scope of scientific interests of the department covers a wide range of areas: history, philosophy, religious studies, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of rationality, irrational philosophy, culture and personality, philosophy of science, regional problems of ethnography, ethno-confessional sphere, new religious movements, Kazakh philosophy, sociocultural changes, intercultural communication , gender issues, political science, political leadership, political parties and party systems, etc.

Teaching staff: candidates of philosophical sciences - Neverzhitsky S.V., Kudabaev A.Zh., Almukhanov S.Kh., Kozhamzharova M.Zh., Akhmetova G.G.; Candidate of Political Sciences - Begimtaev A.I., Akishev A.A., Altybasarova M.A., Kaliev I.A., Elmuratov G.Zh.;PhD - Aubakirova S.S., Kappasova G.M., senior teachers - Sultanova G.Sh., Iskakova Z.S., Mazhitova A.A., Zhayabaeva R.G., Rakhimbaeva M.N., Smagulova B.T., Polomarchuk B.V.; teachers (assistants) - Salimova R.S., Krykbaeva M.S.
Every year, teaching staff participates in republican competitions:

- Winner of the competition "Best University Teacher 2020" - PhD, associate professor Aubakirova S.S.
- Winner of the competition "Best University Teacher 2022" - Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Kozhamzharova M.Zh.
- Winner of international scholarships "Bolashak" - PhD, associate professor Aubakirova S.S.
- Winner of an annual state scholarship - PhD, associate professor Aubakirova S.
- Best scientist of Toraigyrov University - PhD, associate professor Aubakirova S.S.
The department participates in competitions for grant funding of scientific projects:

- "Entrepreneurial University as a way to transform higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of transition." PhD supervisor, associate professor Aubakirova S.S.
The teaching staff of the department is constantly undergoing advanced training
 The faculty of the department annually publishes scientific articles in journals recommended by KOKSNVO MNHE RK, international cited journals (based on Thomson Reuters, Scopus, RSCI, etc.), as well as in collections of international scientific and practical conferences.

Students and undergraduates actively participate in various scientific events together with their supervisors. Every year, undergraduates and students make presentations at conferences at the republican and international level (Satpaevsky, Toraigyrovsky readings
Educational and methodological work

The Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences is a creative team of professionals providing educational process at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
By the nature of its activities, the department is closely connected with the educational work of all faculties of the university and is aimed at carrying out sociocultural, educational, and educational work among students. Education of personality, citizenship and patriotism is the main task of all educational work at the department.

Teachers of the department develop UMKS for all EP of the department and conduct classes in English “Ethics”, “History and Philosophy of Science”, “Culture of Revival and New time” (Sultanova G.Sh)
Foreign scientists organize lectures at the Department of Science and Technology: professor of Sofia University. Ohridsky Tatiana Dronzina (Bulgaria), Professor Gulsim Songul Erkan (Turkey), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences of the Russian State Humanitarian University Gulshat Kulymzhanovna Orazalieva (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Educational activities at the department are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state mandatory standards in accordance with standard discipline programs.
All specialties have state mandatory standards; standard implementation of the department’s educational and methodological work plan was carried out through the development and re-approval of work programs, syllabuses, methodological recommendations and instructions for completing coursework (projects), materials for knowledge control and final control in the state and Russian languages .

Teachers of the department actively use interactive, innovative methods of teaching students and undergraduates. During practical classes, students use pre-prepared slides to demonstrate their answers to seminar topics. Defense of coursework, theses, and master's theses/projects requires the mandatory presentation of slides.

The department has organized a scientific and methodological seminar, at which teachers make reports, the content of which contributes to the further improvement of educational and methodological activities. Teachers of the department annually conduct open lessons and mutual visits to classes, which also helps to improve the level of teaching disciplines. In accordance with the goals of the department in the field of quality, a significant increase in the level of methodological support of the educational process in terms of methodological work has been achieved.