Kabdulina Karlygash Temirbolatovna
Senior lecturer
Higher education, Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, Almaty. twothousandthree specialty "Jurisprudence"
Professional experience
Subjects taught
Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Criminology, Natural Resources legislation, insurance law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, financial law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, contractual law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Environmental Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal statistics, tax law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, advocacy, criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Scientific publications
1.PROBLEMS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR CYBERBULLYING. Bulletin of toraigyrov University Humanitarian Series ,No. 2, STR. 22-28 2.features of production of individual investigative actions carried out in the course of investigation of crimes of intentional harm to health. Materials of the international scientific conference "XIX Satpayev readings" of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, PSU. 3.issues of prevention of juvenile delinquency. Materials of the international scientific conference "XIX Satpayev readings" of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, PSU. 4 4.the role of the court in the presence of the defendant and the victim. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "the world of Farabi" Almaty 5.the place of the judicial system in the field of human rights protection. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "the world of Farabi" Almaty 6.problems of marriage and family relations in private international law. MATERIALS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "XII TORAIGYROV READINGS", DEDICATED TO THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF TORAIGYROV UNIVERSITY. 7.problems and development of mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific conference "XIX Satpayev readings" of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, PSU. 8.international legal bases for ensuring human and civil rights. Materials of the international scientific conference "XIX Satpayev readings" of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, PSU 9.features of conducting judicial proceedings in the course of a judicial investigation. Materials of the international scientific conference "XIX Satpayev readings" of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, PSU.
Field of scientific research
theory of law
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate of Honor, Certificate: "Problems of theory and practice of development and the current state of the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Civil Law module (civil law, civil procedural law, business law, contract law, private international law" ,
Room number, building
Office phone
Academic degree
Master of Legal Sciences
ORCID ____ ID 0000-0001-9028-8105