Serik Kairbekovich Bastemiyev
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Juridical Sciences
Scholastic degree
associate professor of HAC
higher, Leningrad Higher Political School named after the 60th AULYCL of the MIA of the USSR, 1988
Professional experience
Total experience 35 years, scientific and pedagogical - 12 years
Subjects taught
Criminal law, criminology, criminal-executive law
Scientific publications
3 monographs, 2 study guides and more than 40 scientific articles on the issues of criminal and criminal correctional legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. List of scientific publications (main works): 1. The right of social security of the Republik of Kazakstan: textbook. S.Bastemiev, B.Nurgazinov, Zh.Karibaeva, А. Akhmedzhanov - Pavlodar: Kerekou, 2017. – 68 p. 2. О династии Юань //Вестник ПГУ, 2016. – с. 60-65. 3. О династии Кураишитов// Вестник ПГУ, 2017.- С. 89-94. 4. О династии Омеядов. // Краеведение. - 2017. – С. 89-94. 5. Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық-атқару құқығы (жалпы бөлім)»: 5B030100- «Құқық» мамандығы бойынша оқитын студенттерге арналған оқу құралы. – Павлодар, 2019. – 103 б. ( в соавторстве Ахмеджанова Г.Б.)