Olga Borisovna Dubovitskaya
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Laws
higher, Pavlodar State University, the field of study: Legal Studies (2000); postgraduate studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the 2-year Master’s degree program in Jurisprudence.
Professional experience
18 years’ experience of pedagogical work; total: 23 years
Subjects taught
Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the general part), Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the special part), Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Business Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property Law, etc.
Scientific publications
35, including the curriculum and instruction guideline for a Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the general part) course (written in both Kazakh and Russian), the study guide “Insurance Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (written in Russian). 1. Реформирование юридического образования в Республике Казахстан. //Образование: традиции и инновации: Материалы XV международной научно-практической конференции (12 октября 2017 года). – Прага, Чешская Республика: Изд-во WORLD PRESS s r.o., 2017. – С. 151-153. (Соавтор Мусабекова Н.М.)- (РИНЦ)
Field of scientific research
Civil Law, Insurance Law
Room number, building
Office phone