Уважаемые обучающиеся!


Объявлены результаты конкурса Именных стипендий! Напомним, что конкурс проходил среди студентов бакалавра, магистрантов и докторантов.


Ознакомиться подробнее с победителями Вы можете в прикрепленном ниже Протоколе комиссии.

| 566
1. Протокол комиссии.pdf
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Based on the "Rules for awarding vacant educational grants for paying for higher or postgraduate education with the award of a bachelor's or master's degree released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education", an online acceptance of applications for the award of vacant undergraduate and graduate grants released in the process is announced. training on the cos.tou.edu.kz portal at the link: https://cos.tou.edu.kz/authorization.php at the Student Service Center extended until 01.07.2024 inclusive.

| 565
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Искусственный интеллект в учебном процессе» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 0,
Dates of the course: c 17-06-2024 до 28-06-2024,
Format of the course: комбинированный,
Lecturer: Оспанова Н.Н.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 564
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Инклюзивное образование в организациях высшего профессионального образования» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 0,
Dates of the course: c 03-06-2024 до 14-06-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Жомартова А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 563
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Теоретические основы электротехники»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 10000,
Dates of the course: c 20-05-2024 до 20-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Дробинский А.В.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 562
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Линейные системы автоматического регулирования»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 10000,
Dates of the course: c 20-05-2024 до 20-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Ярославцев М
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 561
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Электрические машины»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 10000,
Dates of the course: c 20-05-2024 до 20-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Ашимова А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 560
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| 558
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Актуальные проблемы языка и литературы: обучение и интерпретация»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 20000,
Dates of the course: c 27-05-2024 до 10-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Кадырова Б.М.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 557
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Актуальные проблемы языка и литературы: обучение и интерпретация»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 20000,
Dates of the course: c 27-05-2024 до 10-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Кадырова Б.М.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 556
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Based on the "Rules for awarding vacant educational grants for paying for higher or postgraduate education with the award of a bachelor's or master's degree released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education", an online acceptance of applications for the award of vacant undergraduate and graduate grants released in the process is announced. training on the cos.tou.edu.kz portal at the link: https://cos.tou.edu.kz/authorization.php at the Student Service Center from June 17 to June 28, 2024.

To participate in the competition, students on a contractual basis must attach the following documents:

- application addressed to the Chairman of the Board-Rector on participation in the competition;

- application for a transcript;

- a copy of the identity card.

The list of vacant grants is posted on the university portal, in the section "For students" - "Vacant grants" (link: https://tou.edu.kz/ru/?option=com_content&view=article&id=9974) .

The competition is based on the results of an intermediate assessment based on the GPA average. In the case of the same indicators of the GPA (Grade Point Average - Great Point Everage), students who have grades only A, A- ("excellent"), then - grades from A, A- ("excellent") to B+, B, B-, C+ ("good"), then - mixed marks for the entire period of study.

Applications of applicants are considered in the context of a group of educational programs, a course of study, a training base (on the basis of a school / college).

In the absence of applicants for a group of educational programs, vacant educational grants are redistributed within the field of study and further across the field of education.

The decision to award vacant grants released in the course of study is made by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the recommendation of the Academic Council of the University.

| 555
гранты лето 2024 рус каз англ яз.xlsx
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Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев Қоры студенттік стипендиялардың кезекті республикалық байқауын жариялайды.


Байқауға қатысу үшін мына талаптарға сай келетін Қазақстан Республикасы оқу орындарының күндізгі оқу бөліміндегі студенттерді шақырамыз:

    •  ең кемі оқудың екі курсын сәтті аяқтағандар;

    •  әрбір оқу жылында академиялық үлгерімнің жоғары көрсеткіші (үздік үлгерімі) бар;

    •  қоғамдық және ғылыми-зерттеу қызметіне белсенді қатысатындар.

    •  республикалық, халықаралық фестивальдар мен байқауларда жетістіктері бар («Өнер және мәдениет» бағыты бойынша оқитын студенттер үшін).


Айта кетейік, байқауға барлық талапқа сай келетін және тегін және ақылы негізде білім алатын студенттер бірдей шартпен қатыса алады. Қордың стипендиясы дербес болып табылады, бір оқу жылына (екі семестрге) белгіленеді және маусым, шілде және тамызды қоспағанда ай сайын төленеді.

Өтінім қабылдау мерзімі: 2024 жылы 10 шілде

| 553
1. Ереже ННҚ қаз.doc
2. Правила ФНН рус.doc
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Проблемы и тенденции развития транспортно-логистических услуг в Казахстане» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 79000,
Dates of the course: c 22-05-2024 до 04-06-2024,
Format of the course: офлайн,
Lecturer: Искаков Р
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 550
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Кино в учебном и воспитательном процессах»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 12000,
Dates of the course: c 21-05-2024 до 22-05-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Азербаев А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 548
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Кино в учебном и воспитательном процессах»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 12000,
Dates of the course: c 21-05-2024 до 22-05-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Азербаев А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 547
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Кино в учебном и воспитательном процессах»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 12000,
Dates of the course: c 21-05-2024 до 22-05-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Азербаев А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 546
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Кино в учебном и воспитательном процессах»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 12000,
Dates of the course: c 21-05-2024 до 22-05-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Азербаев А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 545
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Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Кино в учебном и воспитательном процессах»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 12000,
Dates of the course: c 21-05-2024 до 22-05-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Азербаев А.Д.
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 544
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NJSC "Toraighyrov University" informs all interested parties about the conclusion of a major transaction with JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan” - an increase a financial instrument in the amount of 198 million tenge and the provision of property  in the form of a dormitory for 600 people as collateral, which is located at Pavlodar, Lomov Street 64/2 with a land plot

| 543
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В НАО "Торайгыров университет" прошел 2 тур ежегодного Республиканского конкурса научно-исследовательских работ студентов по специальности 6В03101 «Культурология».

Комиссия, в составе представителей кафедр университета и предприятий области, путем открытого голосования рекомендовала к награждению дипломами МНВО РК лучшие научные работы.


Желаем крепкого здоровья, творческих идей и дальнейших успехов во всех начинаниях

С уважением, Конкурсная комиссия специальности 6В03101 - Культурология.

| 542
конкурсной комиссии НИРС - Культурология.pdf
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