During five days, masters of painting from all over the country worked on their canvases in one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan.

Мастера живописи со всей страны трудятся над своими полотнами.

Тем временем в Баянтау завершилась церемония открытия республиканского пленэра молодых художников Казахстана.

Sports and health camp “Bayantau” is preparing to hold the Republican plein air of young artists. This year it will be held from July 24 to July 28 and will be dedicated to the Year of Youth.

The final part of the training came for students of PSU military department. Future reserve officers went to field training camp. Students will have classes at the “Shygys” training range of the “”Vostok” regional command.

В ПГУ прошла выставка автомобилей и байков разного поколения, организованная факультетом металлургии, машиностроения и транспорта.

2019-07-19 11:47:42

The fifth season of the children's business camp by the StartUp Academy of S.Toraighyrov PSU is starting!

Teachers of the department “Architecture and Design” of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Saule Abisheva, Zura Asylgazina and Zhuldyz Tanieva opened the exhibition “TYGAN QALA” in the Pavlodar Regional Art Museum.

The new highly effective anti-mosquito and blood-sucking flies repellent was created by scientists of S. Toraighyrov PSU together with the engineering and analytical center of the university under the direction of Serik Sharipov.

The international summer school “Fuel and Energy Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan” ended in the Pavlodar State University, in which students from leading Russian universities, including the RUDN University, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, took part.

Quadcopter piloting courses will be opened at the university training center.

S.Toraighyrov PSU and the Department of Public Health Protection of Pavlodar Region of the Committee of Public Health Protection of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of cooperation.

2019-07-18 09:05:31

Students and graduates of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University together with employees of “KSP Steel” LLP went to Irtysh rafting.

The volunteers of the “Lavie dobro” team along with the student-activists of Pavlodar State University took an intensive training course in four areas: the development of civil society, the green economy, social entrepreneurship, the creative economy and media.

Scientists from Pavlodar State University are introducing the technology of transplantation of cattle embryos in large farms of the region to obtain offspring.

A bright holiday for children and their parents – FamilyDay was held for the first time on the Ertis-Arbat.

Within the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” there is a subprogram “New humanitarian knowledge, 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”.

A round table “Enhancing the role of trade union organizations in labor collectives is an important factor in the motivation of trade union membership” was held at PSU today, on July 15, 2019.

2019-07-15 10:17:43

On July 12, an exhibition of dogs of different breeds was held at the traditional Ertis-Arbat venue of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The bachelors, Master’s and doctoral students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University were awarded the diplomas.