Initiation into university students is a good annual tradition. This time 73 people became the heroes of the holiday.

Творческая встреча с народной артисткой Республики Казахстан, Лауреатом Государственной премии в области литературы и искусства Жанией Аубакировой собрала всех ценителей музыки.

During the visit to Pavlodar region, the Chairperson of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dariga Nazarbayeva, visited Toraighyrov University, where the closing ceremony of the 15th working season of the Republican movement "Zhasyl El" was taking place.

2019-10-31 12:28:56

On October 31 the deputy head of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. S. Beisenov “recruited” PSU students.

PSU linguists have increased their professional competence in the transition of the Kazakh language to Latin script. This became possible thanks to the courses of advanced studies by NCPD “Orleu” JSC, which were held in Nur-Sultan.

A situational center, student design bureau and FRONT OFFICE were opened at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

A joint seminar of the academic library named after academician S. Beisembayev and the IPR BOOKS electronic library system was held at PSU.

Loaf and shashu met scientists from Pavlodar and Omsk in the kitchen of the university college of agribusiness of OmSAU.

Within the framework of academic freedom, 10 student chemists and petrochemists of Toraighyrov University went to practice in Romania.

2019-10-28 07:00:38

Театрализованной постановкой студенты открыли праздничный вечер Абаевских чтений в ПГУ.

The founder of the "JADO" fashion house, Zhadyra Sakhiyeva, told about how to open their own business without a sponsor, become a successful businesswoman and designer, and also combine dance with jurisprudence at a creative meeting with PSU students.

Teachers of history and Kazakh literature of the schools of the region, representatives of the Council of Veterans of the Pavlodar Region and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan discussed multifaceted topics of S. Toraighyrov’s work.

Having visited the Pavlodar region, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rudolf Gikl, visited S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The author of the books “Sweet Rain”, “The Sun Will Smile at You”, “Senіn tyngі Kunіn”, “The Path of the Doctor”, “Steppe and Fate”, Zhan Akzhanov met with students of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

2019-10-23 03:39:43

The senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies Tatyana Mikhailovna Aidasheva celebrated her anniversary.

ГУБИПовцы окружили заботой бабушек и дедушек Дома престарелых и инвалидов Павлодарской области.

2019-10-21 04:15:10

Предприятие «Павлодарсоль» начинает разработку нового озера, в районе Экибастуза, недалеко от ГРЭС 2. ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова будет сопровождать работы по пусконаладке вводимого оборудования предприятия.

В пятничной битве деканов полуфиналисты #as_bolsyn_challenge сразились за звание победителя. Четыре кухни, четыре декана, целое общежитие голодного жюри и множество кастрюль, продуктов и пугающих рецептов. На этот раз меню определила жеребьевка.

A joint scientific project of students and graduates of S. Toraighyrov PSU and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has earned international recognition in Moscow.

The round table “Spiritual consent of the people of Kazakhstan is the key to stability and prosperity” was held at the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan at S. Toraighyrov PSU.