Belgibayeva Kymbat Karatayevna
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Social Sciences
higher - Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, 1987 Magistracy S. Toraighyrov PSU,2007 Journalism, TOU 2022 г.
Professional experience
36 years
Scientific publications
50 scientific articles.
Field of scientific research
Journalism theory, Methods of journalism courses teaching.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- Certificate "Problems of media coverage of environmental issues" - Certificate "International experience of partnership and consolidation of social institutions of readin " - Certificate "Functional vector of modern education: competence-based approach" - Letter of gratitude for participating in the Y International axiological readings "Spiritual and moral education of children and youth", Center for Educational Initiatives ANCO SE"Siberian Institute of continuous supplementary education" Omsk. - Certificate "Legal literacy of journalists", the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of Kazakhstan, 2016.
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