Ylikpayev Serik Toleubaevich
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philological Sciense
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, specialty - 0201003 Kazakh language and literature, 1994
Professional experience
25 years
Subjects taught
Media Management, the history of Kazakh journalism, Interactive television: the formation of the modern content, Practical stylistics, Policy in the field of journalism, Journalism legal basis, Management strategy of modern print media, New Mediatrend, Fundamentals of journalistic creativity, Economic journalism, Scientific Research aspects of Journalism creativity
Scientific publications
1. Student guide Kazakh literature. Training aid, "Arman-PV", 2008-2012. 2. "Kazakh literature " 10 form, "Arman-PV," 2008. 3. "Kazakh literature" 11 form, "Arman-PV", 2007 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9091-6391
Field of scientific research
Kazakh literature, Kazakh language
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Medal “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan " 2. Grand Prix "Shabyt" 2001