Lazzat Okenovna Nurgaliyeva
Senior lecturer
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, an academic degree in the Kazakh Language and Literature, 2000; postgraduate education in Philology (Kazakh), 2012.
Professional experience
30 years, including 16 years at PSU
Awards, diplomas and certificates
“Strategic management, international project management, entrepreneurship and commercialization” (2018), “Pedagogical technologies in the context of updating the content of education” (2019), “Methodological support for the implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of updating the content of education” (2019), “Development of competencies in subject “Modern Kazakh language” through critical thinking (2019), Employee training and development program for the case “Manager” (2020), “HI-Tech management” (2020), “Human resource management in an organization” (2020), “Labor disputes and their causes. Procedure for resolving labor disputes in the conciliation commission" (2020)
Room number, building
Main Academic Building, A-317
Office phone
8-7182-673689 (int. 1126)