Scientific and Practical Center for Mashkhur Studies

History of the centre

The scientific-practical centre "Mashkhur studies" exists since May, 2004. It was founded with the aim of the complex study of the life and creative heritage of Mashkhur-Zhusip Kopeyev.

Up to date, 15 volumes of Kopeyev’s works have been already published. It includes both the poetic works of M.-Zh. Kopeyev and the investigations of the poet that deal with many sides of life: philosophy, theology, and pedagogy.

Published 3 collections of selected works of genius in Russian and English languages. 2 were published bibliographies, methodological and bibliographical guide, Small and Large encyclopedia concerning life and work MF. Kopeev.

Conducted deep linguistic and literary studies, which may eventually become the basis for new textbooks for pupils and students, and for professionals.

The workers of the Center

Naylya Katkenovna Anafina

Position: Junior Researcher of Mashkhur Studies SPC

Education: Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, 1989; Faculty of Law at the Kokshetau branch of Themis Karaganda Law Institute, 2001.

Publications: 15 research papers, including 2 in English («Mashkhur-Zhusip and the World’s Languages», «The Philosophy of the History») and 2 published at; she is currently translating the 10th volume of Kopeyev’s Works Collection (Shezhire).

Field of research: study and promotion of the heritage of M. Zh. Kopeyev, lexicology, problems of theology, translation of works by M. Zh. Kopeyev

Professional achievements: She founded a student club (Zhas Urpak) in 2014. Achievements of this Club’s members were highlighted in the local media (2013-2015). She organized a national seminar with international participation (Mashkhur-Zhusip’s Works: the Present and Future of the Kazakh People (February 13, 2015)), an international seminar (Mashkhur-Zhusip and genealogy (shezhire) of tores relating to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate (October 15-16, 2015)) and a scientific and practical conference (Mashkhur-Zhusip and the 550-year spiritual heritage of the Kazakh khanate (December 10-11, 2015)). She carries our research activities in cooperation with scholars from the USA, France, Israel, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. 

Diplomas: Pavlodar Oblast Akimat, Pavlodar Regional Department of Education, Rector of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Rector of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, etc.

Certificates: Leadership Development (Pavlodar, 2014), Studying Abay in 3 Languages (2014), Introduction to Scouting (2014). 

Professional experience: 25 years, including 7 years at PSU

Professional development: she has completed professional development courses on "Psycholinguistics and Psychosemiotics" under the program "Psychosemiotics" at the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for Higher Education "Moscow International University", the contract №34/18PKDPKPS. Training period: October 13, 2018- January 9, 2019. A license of completion of the professional development course: professional development №0392287

Books published by the research workers the centre

A bibliographic directory of works of Mashhur Zhusip Kopeev

Monographies of the Doctor of Philology, avenue PSU of S.Toraigyrov A.K.Trushev

In detail - cultural lexicon in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Spiritual culture in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Mythological a cultural lexicology in products of Mashhur-Zhusip

Metrological terms in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Ethnocultural aspects of products of Mashhur - Zhusip

The collection of selected products М-Zh. Kopeev in Russian translated by the senior research assistant K.N.Kanapjanov

The collection of selected products М-Zh. Kopeev in English. Transfer from the Kazakh language is executed by younger research assistant Z.S.Berdygozhinoj

«Islamic culture in the manuscript of Mashhur - Zhusipa» in three volumes. Translation from Arabic on the Kazakh language is made by younger research assistant К.К.Talkanbayeva

The collection of works of Mashhur Zhusip Kopeeva of 1-13 volumes.

Pavlodar, 64 Lomov Str., S. Toraighyrov PSU

MAB, room 227
