Aytmukhamet Kasymbayevich Trushev
Scholastic degree
Doctor of Philological Sciences
Scholastic degree
N.K. Krupskaya Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute, 0307 Kazakh Language and Literature (1981)
Professional experience
47 years
Subjects taught
Introduction to Turkic Philology; Philosophical and Methodological Problems of Linguistics; Basics of Theory and History of Language; Modern Kazakh Lexicology
Scientific publications
in total 776: 1) Мәшһүр-Жүсіп Көпеев шығармаларының лексикасы. «З. Шашкин оқулары-2014» республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. Павлодар, 2014 2) Мәдени мұраның лингвистикалық ғылыми негіздері. Оқу құралы, 2010 3) “Cultural heritage” and Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev. 2011 4) Қазақ тіл білімінің философиялық-әдістемелік мәселелері. Оқу құралы, 2014 5) Мәшһүр-Жүсіп Көпеев шығармасындағы синтаксистік шартты мағыналы сөздер. 2014.
Field of scientific research
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Sh. Ualikhanov Prize (2003), Best Lecturer (2005), Researcher of the Year (2009); scientific grant from the MES for special contribution to the development of science and technology (2011-2012); Badge for Merits in Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005); Best HEI Lecturer (2006); Professor in Linguistics (conferred by Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the RK) (2010). Author of 73 research and methodological works: monographs, textbooks, study guides, and 776 research papers. Professional development courses: Pedagogical, Information and Communication Technology of Distance Education (2010); Workshop on Thomson Reuters for Scientific Research (2012). Became the winner of a state grant "Best University Teacher in 2017.
Room number, building
Office phone
8(7182) 673631 (1255)
ORCID - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6090-7403