Aslan Dybysbekovich Azerbaev
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
higher, PSU them. S. Toraigyrova, specialty: “History” (undergraduate, graduate). In 2017 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty "Philosophy".
Professional experience
10 years
Subjects taught
The methodology of history, the history and historiography of the Alash movement, new approaches to the fundamental problems of world history, etc.
Scientific publications
The total number is more than 30 scientific publications, including 2 monographs. 1. Farabi Felsefesi’nde Güç Kavrami // Kutadgubilig. – 2016. – № 32. – ss. 181-192. (перевод на турецкий Hakan Poyraz, Engin Yurt); 2. Al-Farabi’s Virtuous City as the prototype of the Civil Society // European Journal of Science and Theology. – 2016. – Vol. 12, № 6. – pp. 199-209. (в соавторстве с Д.Н. Нурманбетовой); 3. The ontological unity of morality and politics in the philosophy of al-Farabi. - Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2019 .-- 180 p.
Field of scientific research
The philosophy of morality and politics, the history of Turkic philosophy, cinema as a historical source.
Room number, building