Лучшие выпускники

    Раздыкова Гульназ Максутовна - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Centre for Analysis and Development of Inter-confessional Relations
She studied History in 1996-2001, graduated with honors. In 2003, she completed her Master's degree studies. She worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer and associate professor at the Department of Archeology and Ethnology and the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies. In 2007, she defended her Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.07 Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology. Title of the dissertation: “Ethnic Component of Muslim Education in the Kazakh Steppe Area in 19th - Early 20th Century.” She is the author of many publications.


   Баймуханов Олжас Кенжебекович - Deputy Director of the State Museum of Gold and Precious Metals, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bachelor's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU (1993-1998). He worked at the Department of Industry, Trade and Business Development under the regional administration (1998-2002). Later he worked as a Deputy Dean for General Affairs at the Faculty of History and Law of S. Toraighyrov PSU (2003-2008). Deputy Director of the State Museum of Gold and Precious Metals, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2008).


   Марданова Зулейха Женисовна — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Bachelor's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU (1998). Postgraduate student at Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000-2007). In 2007, she defended her Candidate's dissertation entitled “State Policy of Forced Migrations into Kazakhstan in 1920s-1930s”. Z. Mardanova received the academic rank of Associate Professor in October 2011. She works at the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Faculty of History and Law.



   Ельмуратова Ботагоз Жумабаевна — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
She graduated from S. Toraighyrov PSU in 1999. She has a Master's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2003). In 2007, B.Zh. Yelmuratova defended her Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.09 Historiography, Source Studies, and Methods of Historical Research. Title of the dissertation: “Historiography of Social and Political Movements in Northeast Kazakhstan in Late 19th - Early 20th Century”. At PSU since 2001.



   Рахимов Ернур Кендыбаевич – doctoral student in Archaeology and Ethnology at Al-Farabi KazNU.
He has a Bachelor's (2001) and a Master's (2003) degrees in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU. In 2007, he successfully defended his Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.02 National History. Title of the dissertation: “Musa Shormanov As a Social and State Figure and Researcher of the Traditional Culture of Kazakhs.” He worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2003-2013). Doctoral student in Archaeology and Ethnology at Al-Farabi KazNU.



   Дауенов Ернур Нурланович – Chief Specialist at the Department of Education of Pavlodar region, winner of the Best Teacher award in 2013.
He has a Bachelor's (2009) and Master's (2011) degrees in Archaeology and Ethnology. He worked in the regional Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Boarding School for Gifted Children (2009-2012). Later he was appointed Head of the intellectual laboratory at the National Scientific and Practical Center “Yertis Daryny” (2012-2013). Chief Specialist at the Department of Education of Pavlodar region (since 2013).
Pedagogical achievements:
Winner of the National Competition for the Best Author's Program, Almaty (2010);
Winner of the award for the best report at the International Conference Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of Yertis Daryny RSPC (2010);
Head of the team of Pavlodar region in Moscow (Russia), Astana, Almaty, Taldykurgan, Karaganda, Taraz, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan) (2010);
Prize-winner at the National Competition of Innovative Pedagogical Ideas in Almaty, 2nd prize (2010);
Winner of the regional academic competition among teachers (2011);
Prize-winner at the National Competition of Innovative Pedagogical Ideas in Almaty, 3rd prize (2012).


   Касенова Гульмира Талгатовна –  teacher of History at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar.
She has a Bachelor's (2005) and Master's (2011) degrees in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU. She worked as a History teacher and Deputy Director of the regional Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Boarding School for Gifted Children (2005-2013). Teacher of History at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar (since 2013).




   Байханова Лаура Алтынбековна – teacher of History at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar.
She has a Bachelor's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2002-2006). She worked as a teacher of history in regional Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Boarding School for Gifted Children (2006-2013). A History teacher at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar (since 2013).



   Секенова Макпал Жанатаевна – teacher of History in School 10 named after Abay for gifted children.
She has a Bachelor's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2003-2007). In 2007-2012, she worked as a teacher of History at the regional Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Boarding School for Gifted Children. M.Zh. Sekenova works as a History teacher in School 10 named after Abay for gifted children (2012 - till present).



   Маликов Алексей Витальевич – Master's degree student majoring in Higher Education at Nazarbayev University
He has a Bachelor's (2006) and Master's (2008) degrees in History from S. Toraighyrov PSU. He worked as an assistant lecturer, lecturer and senior lecturer at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2008-2013). Now he is a Master's degree student at Nazarbayev University.




   Рандюк Иван Владимирович - the Chairman of Adal Youth Public Association
He studied History at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2004-2008). As a student, he demonstrated his leadership skills which helped him in his future career.