
The educational work is carried out in accordance with the content, plan and methods of educational activities organization.

The educational work of the Department is carried out in accordance with the concept of educational work of the University, regulations on curatorial activities, annual plans of educational work and decisions of the Academic Council, the University administration, council of the Faculty and the Department. Urgent issues of organization, implementation and improvement of educational work are regularly discussed during meetings of the Department. Educational work of the Department is aimed at developing ethical norms of behavior, active citizenship, patriotism and respect for legal regulations. The process of educational work is carried out by all staff members of the Department as a part of their academic work, individually by curators (and also during the so-called “curator's hours” held on a regular basis for identifying students' problems and finding solutions to them).

The organization and implementation of the educational work of the Department are carried out in the following areas:

1. Civil and patriotic, spiritual and moral education. While studying at the University, young people go through a very important stage of socialization, development of patriotism, shaping of values. Curators raise students’ cultural level by organizing visits to theaters, cinemas and museums; they conduct and participate in the activities of historical, patriotic and ethical education. Subsequent joint discussions of such visits and activities are also very important.

2. Students' research activities. This is a priority area of the educational work at the Department, as it helps students acquire the skills of scientific work, develop creative thinking, gain the experience of scientific work within the scientific school of the Department or Faculty. Thus, a student engaged in the scientific and research work has good chances of becoming a highly qualified specialist. The students of years 2-4 take an active part in scientific life of the Department, publish abstracts and research papers, participate in conferences and seminars.

3. Cultural and creative activities. The Department organizes and provides support to students participating in amateur performance, national, regional, inter-university competitions, meetings, forums, festivals, exhibitions, etc.

4. Involvement of students in socially useful work and social life of the city. Curators help organize groups for cleaning the territories of the Faculty and University. The issues of preserving the classrooms and respecting the property of the University are regularly discussed with the students.