Maysa Zhumabayevna Kulumbayeva
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Cultural Studies
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, History and Geography (2003), Master's degree in Cultural Studies from S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2008)
Professional experience
32 years
Subjects taught
History of Kazakhstan; Historiography and Source Studies of Kazakhstan History; Social Ethnography and Demography; Methods of Teaching History; Economic History of Kazakhstan
Scientific publications
The total number is 30. 1. The role of pedagogical technologies in the preparation of a competent specialist // Materials of the VI international scientific-practical conference "Education: Traditions and Innovations", Prague, Czech Republic, October 21, 2014, P.185-187 (RSCI) co-authored; 2. The personality of Hansha Bopay in historical research // Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren "XV Satpayev readings." T. 16 - Pavlodar, 2015– S. 29-33. in co-authorship; 3. Active and interactive forms of conducting classes in higher education // Materials of the IX international scientific-practical conference: “Russia and Europe: the relationship of culture and economy”. - Prague. Czech Republic, 2015 (RSCI) co-authored; 4. The use of cases as a technology of professionally oriented student learning: from work experience // Materials of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Technology Science", Belgorod, October 31, 2016, No. 10, part 12, C. 31-32 (RSCI) in co-authorship; 5. Reforming higher education in Kazakhstan in the context of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program // Materials of the ХХХIV international scientific conference “Actual Scientific Research in the Modern World”, Issue 2 (34), Part 9, February 26-27, 2018, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky , Ukraine co-authored.
Field of scientific research
history of Kazakhstan, methods of teaching history
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Certificate of participation in on-line workshop on Thomson Reuters resources for research (December 4, 2012) 2. Certificate of participation in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education: Tradition and Innovation", Prague, Czech Republic (2013) 3. Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Problems of Education and Science", Tambov, Russia (2014) 4. Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Applied Sciences and Technologies in the United States and Europe: Common Challenges and Scientific Findings, Hosted by the CIBUNET Publishing Conference papers, New York, USA (2014) 5. Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Problems of Education and Science", Tambov, Russia (September 30, 2014) 6. Certificate of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. “Education: Tradition and Innovation", Prague, Czech Republic (October 21, 2014). 7. Certificate of participation in the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia and Europe: Cultural and Economic Relations", Prague, Czech Republic, February 28, 2014. 8. Professional development course at Al-Farabi KazNU (June 2014)
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