Botagoz Zhumabayevna Yelmuratova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, History (1999); Master's degree in History from S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2003); Candidate's dissertation in 07.00.09 Historiography, Source Study and Methods of Historical Research (2007)
Professional experience
24 years
Subjects taught
Modern and Contemporary History of Kazakhstan; Historiography of Social and Political Movements in Kazakhstan; Historiography and Source Studies of Kazakhstan's History; Theoretical and Methodological Issues of Source Studies and Historiography; Topical Problems of Archaeology; Women's Movement: History and Historiography; Ethnic and Ethnocultural Processes in Ancient Times and Modern Kazakhstan; Anthropological Research in Kazakhstan; Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and America; Historiography of Kazakhstan's History
Scientific publications
total number is 75, including 4 textbooks, 7 articles of the RSCI, 9 articles of KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 acts of introduction into the educational process, 1 electronic textbook.
Field of scientific research
history and historiography of Kazakhstan and foreign countries
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate of participation in the international scientific and practical conf. 1-st International Scientific Conference "Applied Sciences in Europe: tendencies of contemporary development" April 21, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany. Certificate of participation in the III international scientific and practical conference. "Education: Traditions and Innovations." Czech Republic, Prague, 2013. Certificate of participation in the international scientific and practical conf. "Actual issues of education and science." Russia, Tambov, 2014. Certificate of participation in the international scientific and practical conf. 6 Conference "Applied Sciences and technologies in the United States and Europe: common challenges and scientific findings, Hosted by the CIBUNET Publishing Conference papers, New York, USA. 2014. Certificate of participation in the international correspondence scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of education and science." Russia, Tambov, September 30, 2014 Certificate of participation in Thomson Reuters Resource Research Online Seminars. October 6-10, 2014., December 8-12, 2014. Certificate of Participation in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conf. "Education: Traditions and Innovations." Czech Republic, Prague, October 21, 2014. Certificate of participation in the VIII international scientific-practical conference: "Russia and Europe: the relationship of culture and the economy." - Prague. Czech Republic, February 28, 2014 MAIN Corresponding Member - June 2014 Certificate of participation in the VI international scientific-practical conference "Education: Traditions and Innovations", Prague, Czech Republic, October 21, 2014 Certificate of participation in the IX international scientific-practical conference: "Russia and Europe: the relationship of culture and economy." - Prague. Czech Republic, 2015 Certificate of participation in the international scientific-practical conference "Kazakh statehood 550 years: historical experience and modernity", Russia, Barnaul, March 17, 2015 Certificate of participation in the international scientific and theoretical conference: "The Kazakh Khanate - the Republic of Kazakhstan: the problems of the formation, succession and development of statehood", dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, Pavlodar, 2016. Certificate of participation at the XII International scientific and practical conference, "Science and civilization", - 2016. Volume 7. law. History. Sheffield England Certificate of participation at the XIII international scientific-practical conference "Education: Traditions and Innovations", Prague, Czech Republic. December 22, 2016 Certificates of participation in online seminars on Clarivate Analytics resources for research conducted from April 21 to 28, 2017, from September 18 to 26, 2017. Certificate of MES RK - 2017 Certificate of participation in the ХХХIV international scientific conference “Actual scientific research in the modern world”, February 26-27, 2018, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine. Certificate of the Chairman of the Jury in the Tournament named after E. Bekmakhanov, Pavlodar, April 26, 2018 Certificate of participation and a letter of appreciation from the rector for his active participation in the republican scientific and practical conference “Historical science in the context of“ Rukhani Zhagyru ”dedicated to the memory of Kadyisova Roza Zhumabaevna, Pavlodar, May 11, 2018. Certificate of advanced training at the Republican Center for the Further Training of Educators of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu". The theme of the educational program is “Zhangartylkan Bilim I take Mazmuny Ayasinda Zhogaray қu Oryndaryndagy zamanaui pedagogical technologist”, 05/14 - 09.06. 2018.
Room number, building