Amantay Zhetpisovich Kudabayev
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor in Culturology of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Professor of PSU
higher, Abay Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, the field of study: the Kazakh Language and Kazakh Philology (1986) In 2004, he defended his dissertation for the candidate’s degree in 24.00.01 History and the Theory of Culture.
Professional experience
45 years
Subjects taught
Philosophical Innovation Studies of the 20-21 Centuries; Main Cultural Trends in the period of Globalization (delivered in the Kazakh language); the Anthropological Discourse of the Kazakh Philosophy
Scientific publications
more than 50 1. «Әлкей Марғұлан және ұлт келбеті»/ғылыми публицистикалық мақалалар, корреспонденциялар, эсселер мен естеліктер/-павлодар:-сытина баспаханасы,2014-358 б. Редакция мүшесі: Құдабаев. А.Ж. (жауапты редактор, құрастырушы). 2. «Шарапатты Олжабай» :/ ғылыми публицистикалық мақалалар, корреспонденциялар мен естеліктер. Редакция мүшесі: Құдабаев. А.Ж. (жауапты редактор, құрастырушы). 3. «Жыраулық мәдениет және қоғамдық сана» 24,00,00 мәдениеттану мамандығына арналған оқу әдістемелік.
Field of scientific research
Kazakh culture and philosophy; mindset
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Badge “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, medals “Worker of Culture”, “20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, etc. Diploma “For the Contribution to Enhancing the Prestige of the University”. The holder of the order “Kurmet”, the medal “20 Years of Independence”, the jubilee medal to commemorate the 125th anniversary of S. Toraighyrov awarded for the contribution to the development of the University (2018); the member of the scientific and expert board affiliated with the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan of Pavlodar region