Syzdykova Dametai Temerbulatovna
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
Higher, KazSU named after Kirov (now KazNU named after al-Farabi), specialty "Philosopher, teacher of philosophy"
Professional experience
Subjects taught
Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science
Scientific publications
In domestic periodicals: 1. " Arab tildi orta gasyrlyk philosophiyasyndagi akyl - oi maselesi. Tarikhi philosophiyalyk aspect" in co-authorship. Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Innovative Eurasian University" No. 2, 2020, pp. 19-27. 2. "Abaydyn filosofiyalyk duniyetanymdyk kozkarastary: tarikhs filosofiyalyk aspect" in co–authorship. Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Innovative Eurasian University" No. 1, 2021, pp. 18-24. 3. COXON. " Zhahandanu dauirindegi Abaydyn "tolyk adam" tuzhyrymdamasy". Scientific journal "Al Farabi" No. 2, 2021, pp. 46-56. 4. "Adam phenomenon. Tarikhi pedagogicalyk aspect" Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Innovative Eurasian University" No. 2, 2022, pp. 54-62. In foreign periodicals: 1. "The philosophy of pani boyynsha tajiribe tapsyrmalary": Oku adistemelik kuraly. Pavlodar: Innovationalyk Eurasia University, 2019 – 80 b. 2. "Collection of practical tasks in philosophy" Electronic educational and methodological manual for all specialties in Russian in co-authorship. The volume is 63 MB . ISBN 978-601-7613-33-4.Innovative Eurasian University. Pavlodar, 2021. 3. "History and philosophy of science. Common problems." Electronic educational and methodological manual for all specialties in Russian in co-authorship. The volume is 64 MB . ISBN 978-601-7613-32-7. Innovative Eurasian University. Pavlodar, 2021. 4. "The formation of the idea of historicism and its methodological role in the analysis of social phenomena in the context of globalization" - section of the collective monograph "Globalization and the processes of transformation of modern Kazakh society". Pavlodar, 2018,pp. 21-40. 5. " Gylymnyn tarikhy men philosophiyasy" Electronic educational and methodical manual for all specialties in the Kazakh language in co-authorship. The volume is 131.4 MB. ISBN 978-601-7613 -63-1 . (8.5pp.l.)
Field of scientific research
Philosophy, philosophy of science
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Awards: Excellent student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (1992). Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2005). Medal "Veteran of Labor " (2016). Certificate: "Theory and methodology of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines" (72 hours), 08/14/2023-08/28/2023
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