Raigul Sabyrovna Salimova
Lecturer (Assistant)
2008-2012 Bachelor's degree in Marketing - S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. 2016-2018 Master of Arts in Cultural Studies-S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University
Professional experience
4 years
Subjects taught
philosophy, culturology
Scientific publications
1. "Kazakhstan in the conditions of the modern economic crisis" in the materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren X Satpayev readings "Strategic Plan 2020: Kazakhstan's path to leadership" 2010 2. An article in the materials of the International Scientific Conference of Young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XVII Satpayev readings" on the topic "Interethnic relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage".2017 3. Article "Interethnic marriages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of the Pavlodar region)"in the materials of the International scientific and Practical Conference "IX Toraighyrov readings" 2017. 4. The article "Interfaith tolerance in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Religion and global processes of modernity" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of K.Sh. Shulembayev.2017. 5. Philosophical discourse of cognitive meanings of education // Bulletin of Karaganda University. – 2022. – № 3 (107). – Pp. 373-379
Awards, diplomas and certificates
n 2017, she completed a research internship at the Analytical Center "Strategy" on the topic "Spiritual revival of culture and global challenges of modernity". In 2019, she completed the advanced training course of Doctor of Political Science, Professor of St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (Bulgaria), international mediation coach on the topic: "Intercultural communication and conflict resolution in the academic environment". 2023 Diploma of the II second degree for participation in the II International Farabi form. 2023 foreign internship in Moscow, Russia
Room number, building
Lomov street, 64 A323
Office phone
Academic degree
master of Arts in Humanities