Ildar Abuzhanovich Kaliyev
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Political Science
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
S. Toraighyrov PSU, History
Professional experience
22 years
Subjects taught
Political Science; Sociology (inter-faculty); Political Technology; Political Systems and Regimes; National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Political Power; Strategic Analysis of Politics.
Scientific publications
42 articles, 2 monographs, 5 study guides, 4 electronic textbooks (“Political Systems and Regimes”; “Contemporary International Relations and Global Development”; “Political Institutions and Political Entities”, “Political Power”).
Field of scientific research
national (international) security, international relations, political technologies.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
certificate for completion of a course in Application of Test Forms in the Learning Process; Participant of the seminar-training "Development of the intra-university system to ensure the quality of education"; Courses "Rhetorical basis of judicial speech"; Certificate of the participant of the seminar "Actual problems of modern philosophy"; Certificate of the course "Teaching on Distance Learning Technology"; Certificate of the seminar participants on resources of Thomson Reuters for scientific research. ; a certificate of completion of the professional development course on “The Theory and Practice of Modern Leadership” (December 2018); a certificate of completion of the professional development course on “Investment Financial Markets” delivered by the lecturer of Kent University (Canada) Almaz Tolymbek (December 2018). Ildar Abuzhanovich was awarded an appreciation letter on behalf of the Pavlodar branch of the Nur Otan party for the support in implementation of the state program of Yelbassy, Chairman of the party N. A. Nazarbayev, program goals and objectives of the Nur Otan party to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Nur Otan party and for the civic engagement.
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Office phone
ORCID 000000022331372