Stepan Vasilyevich Nevmerzhitskiy
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, Professor of S. Toraighyrov PSU
higher, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the field of study: Philosophy (1969); postgraduate studies at the Academy of Education and Science affiliated with the Central Committee of the Communistic Party of the Soviet Union (1973-1976)
Professional experience
60 years
Subjects taught
the History and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy; the Sociology of Issues of Public Opinion Study; Management and Philosophical Thought; the Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle; the Philosophy of Rationalism and Empiricism; Rhetoric and Oratory
Scientific publications
over 50 1. Категории диалектики - учебное пособие, издательство «Кереку» 2013 г.; 2. Национальная политика глазами философов – статья в монографии; 3. Герои, памятники, память – статья в «Вестник ПГУ: серия философия» 2014 г. 4. Тарас Григорьевич, с кем Вы? Вестник ПГУ. Серия гуманитарных наук. № 1. 2015
Field of scientific research
Dialectics of social processes
Awards, diplomas and certificates
“Badge of Honor”, three medals, the jubilee medal to commemorate the 125th anniversary of S. Toraighyrov awarded for the contribution to the development of the University (2018) Certificates: Topical Problems of Modern Philosophy; The Axiological Unity of the Kazakh Culture and Kazakh Philosophy; Modern Discourse in Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Philosophy and Science: the Problem of Their Relationship, etc.
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