Serik Khabdylkakimovich Almukhanov
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
higher, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the field of study: Philosophy (2001) In 2009, Serik Khabdylkakimovich successfully defended his dissertation for candidate’s degree in 09.00.13 Religious Studies, Philosophical Anthropology, the Philosophy of Culture.
Professional experience
23 years
Subjects taught
Philosophy; Cultural Anthropology; the Strategy of Management; Philosophy of the East
Scientific publications
Total number of articles-32 1. S.Kh.Almukhanov, G.K.Zhapekova, A.I.Begimtayev, M.S.Kulakhmetova, A.K.Shabambayeva «Existential foundations of the transcendental subject: “Defense potential of christianity”» Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences. Journal of Language and Literature, ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol. 6. No. 4. November, 2015. p 370-376 2. Metapsychology Freudianism. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of E. Bekmakhanova "history and history: a turning point in Kazakhstan's historical science". - Pavlodar, 2005. 3. materials of the international scientific and practical conference "VII Toraigyrovskie chteniya. Quality of life in Pavlodar region. The 55th anniversary of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova "principles of philosophy of the future" Pavlodar, 2015. 4.existential foundations of the transcendental subject// materials of the international forum of philosophers and political scientists of the II Congress of philosophers of Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2016, 5. philosophical and anthropological foundations of metaphysical knowledge / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. F. N, Prof. G. Yesima. - Almaty, 2017. 6. Kulumzhanov N.E., Almukhanov S. H. The phenomenon of space in the culture of nomads. The human world. - Almaty, 2019. - №2. 7. Kulumzhanov N. E., Zholdubayeva A. K., Abzhanov S. Aruaqtar: Specific Features of the Kazakh Cult of Ancestors. Scopus MANKIND QUARTERLY 2021 61:3 626-640 8. Kulumzhanov N. E., Mazhitova A. A." Philosophy of Abaya " on the way to the transformation of the Kazakh society.Materials of the International Scientific and practical conference "spiritual development of the public and historical heritage of Mashkhur Zhusipa" Pavlodar, 2022. 9. Yeltin D. Almukhnov S. H. basic ideology of modern Kazakh philosophy.Materials of the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XXIII Satpayev meetings", Pavlodar 2023 10. Abdikakimov M. T., Kozhamzharova M. zh., Iskakova Z. S. trends in the development of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Vestik Toraigyrov University," Humanitarian Series " № 4 (2020)
Field of scientific research
Philosophy, philosophical anthropology, cultural anthropology
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Topical Problems of Modern Philosophy; The Axiological Unity of the Kazakh Culture and Kazakh Philosophy; Thomson Reuters Resources for Research; Modern Discourse in Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Pedagogic, Information and Communication Technologies of Distance Learning; U.S. Embassy to Kazakhstan: Workshop by Professor Karl Idsvoog, ScinceDirect Scopus Workshop on How to Get Published in Scientific Journals. Certificate of merit from the akim of Pavlodar region
Office phone