Gulsara Madaniyevna Kappasova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Scholastic degree
associate Professor
S. Toraighyrov PSU, graduate school of Omsk state University F.Dostoevsky's
Professional experience
27 years
Subjects taught
“Political Science”, “Sayasattanu”, “Sayasi Regional Studies”, “Halykaralyk katynastar theories”, “Theory of International Relations”, “Sayasati Rhetoric”, “Geosayasat”, “Alemdik Sayasi Urdister”, “Sayasi Aleumettanu”, “Aleumettik Sayasat” Sayasat theories", "Sayashi imageology", "Cratology", "Methodology of political science", "Ethnopolitical science", "Modern international relations and global development", "Political changes and political modernization".
Scientific publications
over 42, including those published in the journals indexed by the Scopus database and recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Higher Attestation Commission (the abbreviated name in Russian: VAK) of the Russian Federation, cited by Russian Science Citation Index, international scientific and practical conferences of Russia and Kazakhstan; 8 study guides, 3 electronic textbooks co-authored by leading professors in the Department of Public and Municipal Administration; 4 certificates of state registration of rights to copyrighted object issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Field of scientific research
Migration policy and migration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, cross-border cooperation, geopolitics, domestic philosophy, axiology.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
The contextyality of thesphere of scientific researches in the global and national dimensions. The development of regional scientometric school: The significance and fea tures (2023), Менеджмент в образовании: роль цикла "Общеобразовательные дисциплины" в достижении результатов обучения по образовательным программам (2023); "Прикладная политология" (2022 г.), "Сравнительная политика"COURSERA(2022г.)«Relevant issues of European integration and diplomacy»; «European Diplomacy and Human Rights»; the certificate of the participant of online seminars on resources of Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarly Research. She was trained at the advanced training courses on the use of the Springerlink User Training database, advanced training Workshop by Professor Karl Idsvoog, School of Journalism & Mass Communication Kent State University, Ohio, USA, advanced training Science Direct Scopus. For the participation in the Elsivier Author Seminar "How to Get Published in Scientific Journals"
Room number, building
А - 517
Office phone
67-36-87 (11-53)
Academic degree
master of political science