Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Международные финансовые системы и управление рисками: цифровая экономика, финансы и банкротство»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Ксембаева А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 651
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2024-12-03 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Международные финансовые системы и управление рисками: цифровая экономика, финансы и банкротство»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Ксембаева А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 650
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2024-12-03 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Современные тенденции банковской деятельности: анализ, этика и международные финансовые отношения»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Ксембаева А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 649
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2024-12-03 00:00:00


| 648
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2024-12-03 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Финансовая отчетность: методы и инструменты»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Ксембаева А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 647
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Международная и налоговая экономика: от глобальных трендов до управления личными финансами в Казахстане»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Хасенова С
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 646
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Основы экономической деятельности и управление экономикой Казахстана»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Хасенова С
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 645
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Национальная экономика и управление»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Хасенова С
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 644
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Основы экономической деятельности и управление экономикой Казахстана: от предприятий до государственной политики»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Хасенова С
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 643
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Актуальные вопросы юридических наук и юридической профессии, особенности преподавания правовых дисциплин в современных условиях»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Жакишева А
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 642
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Анатомия и физиология: теория и методика преподавания в образовательных организациях разного уровня»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Уалиева Р
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 641
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Исследование мутагенной активности природных соединений в условиях загрязнения окружающей среды» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Асаинова Д
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 640
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

An external expert commission is working at Toraigyrov University from December 4th to 5st, 2024 as part of the specialized accreditation process for 4 educational programs within the Central Asian Association for Educational Accreditation. We wish you every success!

| 639
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Современные аспекты в области экологии и охраны окружающей среды»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Асаинова Д
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 638
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Актуальные вопросы охраны окружающей среды»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Асаинова Д
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 637
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Актуальные проблемы экологии и методы их решения на основе научных исследований»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Асаинова Д
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 636
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called ««Оценка экологических рисков на промышленных объектах и разработка мер по их минимизации на основе научных исследований»» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Асаинова Д
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 635
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2024-12-02 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Актуальные вопросы охраны окружающей среды и безопасности жизнедеятельности» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Лектор: Д. Асаинова
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 634
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2024-11-29 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Актуальные вопросы охраны окружающей среды и безопасности жизнедеятельности» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Лектор: Д. Асаинова
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 633
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2024-11-29 00:00:00

Dear teachers!
A new course!
A new course called «Актуальные вопросы охраны окружающей среды и безопасности жизнедеятельности» has been added to the «Advanced Training Courses» section.!
Course cost: 11000,
Dates of the course: c 26-09-2024 до 09-10-2024,
Format of the course: онлайн,
Lecturer: Лектор: Д. Асаинова
The course is located in your personal account, in the «Advanced Training Courses» section

| 632
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2024-11-29 00:00:00