Toraighyrov University, in the fight for air quality, students and teachers of the Faculty of Agricultural technology brought about 60 natural indoor flowers and plants for landscaping of the building.

“La vie dobro”, Vita, “Maidan Zholy”, Serdtsa Pavlodara, Klub dobryakov voiced their ideas at a meeting with akim of Pavlodar Kairat Nukenov.

Kumys, kurt and snowdrop are traditional symbols of Day of Gratitude, which is celebrated on March 1 in Kazakhstan.

2020-02-27 09:24:52

The delegation of Toraighyrov University within two weeks exchanges experience in the field of higher education management.

Toraighyrov University celebrated the 80th anniversary of Kazakhstan journalism veteran Zhumaseit Bizhan.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Kazakhstan, Kim Dae-Sik, gave lectures to students and graduates of Toraighyrov University.

Библиотекари Toraighyrov University прочитали курс об организации работы современной учебной библиотеки для своих коллег.

There is an exhibition “Expedition Roads in one of the foyers of Toraighyrov University

Students of Toraighyrov University are the winners of the Republican Conference "Student and Science: vision of the future".

A seminar was held at Toraighyrov University on the theme "Education and science without language barriers" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai.

Toraighyrov University hosted an international conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the rector of Pavlodar Industrial Institute, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientist and inventor Fyodor Konstantinovich Boyko.

Toraighyrov University hosted a free seminar “Anti-corruption expertise of draft regulatory legal acts” for the public of Pavlodar region and all comers.

2020-02-20 05:07:03

ERG Day was held at Toraighyrov University, in which representatives of "Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant" JSC, Aksu Ferroalloy Plant, a branch of "TNC Kazchrome" JSC met with students and schoolchildren.

Как грамотно и эффективно коммерциализировать свои научные разработки?

В Toraighyrov University прошла встреча с представителями центра анализа и развития межконфессиональных отношений (ЦАРМО) и теологом.

В Toraighyrov University на фестиваль юмора собрались четыре команды.

Myrzabek Sultanbekov, a senior lecturer at the "Economics" department, was awarded the "Kadyr Tortaev" Medal for many years of fruitful work in the communications industry.

The ideas of tolerance of the enlightener Al-Farabi were discussed at a round table of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

The ceremonial opening of the classroom named after the Honored Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member of the Association “Scientists of Kazakhstan”, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Candidate of Twchnical Sciences, professor Radul Idayatovich Serzhanov was held at the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport.

О рабочих буднях телеведущего Первого канала «Евразия» рассказала Айгерим Муздыбаева на встрече в ToU.