History of the making the department

In 1992 was founded the department "Civil construction and economy" in connection with opening new specialty 4303 – ‘Civil construction and economy’.

The first head of the department – Candidate of technical sciences Danilov Vasily Ivanovich.

In 1996 the department ‘Civil construction and economy’ was joined to the department ‘Architecture, geodesy and soil mechanics’ with the name ‘’Civil construction and architecture’ in connection with departments enlargement. The first graduation in the specialty 4303 - ‘Civil construction and economy’ was executed in 1997 in number of 19 persons, two of them are Lening I. and Glavatsky V. with honours. In 1997 was begun students` enrollment in the specialty ‘Civil construction and economy’ in official language. Diploma projects of graduates`: Pantina V.P., Krupenkov S.Y., Berestovsky Y., Miroshnichenko N.M., Kovaleva O. were awarded with prize places at international contests.

At the department ‘Civil construction and economy’ till 1996 functioned research laboratory ‘Complex use of waste products’, which was occupied with elaboration of new technologies of building materials production with use of waste products.

In 2002 were opened new specialties 440240 - ‘Building highways and aerodromes’, 430640 - ‘Water supply and water resources preservation’, 551630 - ‘Standardization, certification and metrology’, resumed training in the specialty 430440 - ‘Production of building materials, goods and constructions’. Since 2003 the department has been functioning under name ‘Engineering systems and geotechnical constructions’. In 2009 on the base of the Department "Engineering systems and geotechnical structures" formed  the department of "Transport construction and vocational training". In 2012 the Department was renamed into "Production and standardization of construction materials" Department.


Leaders of the Department


The Head of the Department Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Viktor Tadeushovich Stanevich.

Graduation, academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences

Academic title: associate professor

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

  • List of publications:

Awards, diplomas, certificates: In 2005 he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science.

In 2007 won the state grant "The best teacher of the university."

In 2011 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Sultanmakhmut Torajgyrov.

Honor and gratitude PSU.

Disciplines: "The technology of building ceramics", "Engineering Systems 1", "Construction machinery and equipment." "Hoisting and construction machines," etc.

Field of research: Environmental aspects of waste management industry

Professional experience: 30 years

For more information: 8 patents for inventions.



The Department address:

Pavlodar city

Tolstoy Street 99

Contact phone number: 572053



Programs Offered

Teaching Staff

 Research works

Practical-Laboratory Center

Titles of Graduation Works / Projects, Master's and Doctoral Dissertations