“Constructional materials, products and constructions production” 5B073000

Modern buildings and constructions causing joy with the variety of colors and forms can be constructed only in the presence of constructional products and material. Production of such products is possible if the latest achievements in the field of constructional products are used.

Only an industrial engineer is capable to meet the challenges of top-quality effective, reliable and durable material production. The present specialist is responsible for the manufacture he produces.

At present building area can concurrently be the place of production. Plasticity, remolding effort of concrete mix and solution construction usage can be conducted in a cast-in-block variant producing not only walling and laster constructions, but also the whole object in general.

The wide store of knowledge guaranteed by the whole educational process will allow the specialist to professionally assess used material when projecting artificial conglomerate with a definite group of characteristics, to soundly choose the scheme and constructional production techniques.

Graduates are trained to carry out work related to constructional materials, products and constructions production. They are able to provide resource saving when using man-caused waste material to get the latest low-waste, ecologically safe technologies when constructing residential, public and production buildings as well as private and low-rise apartment buildings.



on basis of state educational grants or contract with flexible allowances and benefits

Qualification is a bachelor of engineering and technology

Educational period: full-time education lasts 4 years, that of by correspondence lasts 5 years



“Standardization, metrology and certification in construction” 5B073200

Field of activity: organization of activities connected with improving the quality in the field of constructional production; quality system elaboration and introduction, analysis and detection of flaw causes and violation of constructional material production technology; introduction of up-to-date measuring procedures and quality control of standardized common constructional material and products production and test, etc.

Professional activity objects are manufactured goods and services, processing; enterprise and testing laboratory equipment; testing, measuring and control methods and means; metrology provision of scientific, production, social and ecological activity.

Types of professional activity:

Administrative-organizational: organization of activity elaboration concerning quality control in production; production, testing and operation metrological provision.

industrial-engineering: provision of task fulfillment concerning with product quality increase, metrological provision improvement, elaboration of new standards and revision of the operative ones, technical conditions and other documents of standardization and certification; introduction of quality management system, and optimal norms of precision of control measurements, reliability, choice of testing, measuring and control means, elaboration of metering, testing and control methods.


design activity: project objectives forming in development of new or modernization of operative quality management methods and means; elaboration of design and processing decisions in quality provision field;

research: state and product quality dynamics analysis, metrological provision of production, standardization and certification;

inspection-auditing: realization of product and service quality audit; realization of process quality audit; supplier assessment; verification for fulfillment of established regulations; audit documentation compounding.

Qualification is a bachelor of standardization, metrology and certification in construction

Educational period: full-time education lasts 4 years

“Construction” – 5B072900 Specialization in “Water supply and sewerage”


Problems of water supply in populated area and conservation of water resources are on agenda at present time. The University teaches students in speciality “Construction” 5B072900 with specialization in “Water supply, water drain and conservation of water resources” for enterprises of the Republic.

The department trains students in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard. Specialists obtain professional skills related to design, construction, operation and reconstruction of engineering systems of hydraulic works provision, water treatment and water supply of objects, as well as water drain and conservation of water resources.

Training program includes those disciplines that provide with professional knowledge as well as the knowledge of market economy basics, computer training on up-to-date educational and resource base.

The Department staff who have taken extension courses in Germany and Hungary together with the students are involved in research, approbation of which finds its realization in water supply and conservation of water resources enterprises.

The graduates can work in design and survey and hydrogeological organization, at enterprises related to water treatment, transport and water drain, in co-operative societies of apartment owners, at industrial enterprises, where water is used in processing, ecological organizations, as well as teaching engineers.

Educational period: full-time education lasts 4 years

Qualification is a bachelor of construction