Vassily Ivanovich Danilov

Position: professor

Graduation, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Academic title: docent

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

List of publications: 1. Rules of construction drawings. Standard Pavlodar State University. S.Toraigyrov. SB 4.09.1-09 PSU. - Pavlodar PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2009 - 140.

2. Education and the possible ways of using industrial waste Pavlodar region. In Sat: Proceedings of Intl. scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of science," Part 1.Min. arr. and Science. Tambov, 2011 pp. 119-120.

3. Non-destructive quality control in construction. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, students, schoolchildren «XII Satpaev readings." - Pavlodar: PSU, 2012 Volume 14

4. Education and the possible ways of using industrial waste Pavlodar region (Kazakhstan). Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. In Sat Actual problems of science. - Tambov TROO "Business Science-Society", 2011

5. Assessing the impact of the dynamic loads on the frame of the reconstructed building. Preventing accidents buildings: Collection of scientific papers, Issue 10. - Moscow, 2011

6. Effective protection walling using modern acoustic materials. Satpaev readings. PSU named. S.Toraigyrov., Pavlodar, 2012

Total number of publications – 137.

Awards, diplomas, certificates: was awarded a silver medal USSR National Economy, was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005), awarded the title of "Honorary Dean of PSU named. S.Toraigyrov ", was awarded the Gold Medal of S.Toraigyrov (2011). Honor and gratitude PSU.

Disciplines: "Modern building materials", "Structural analysis program SCAD», «Metrological assurance of the production of the construction industry." "Features of the production of building materials."

Field of research: Energy conservation in the reconstruction and design of buildings and structures

Professional experience: 42 years

For more information: there is an inventor's certificate (test method uneven concrete triaxial tensile) has administrative experience in positions deputy. Dean of the Faculty of correspondence, Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering.




Mina Emanuilovna Danilova

Position: senior lecturer

Education: higher

Scientific publications:

1 Rules of construction drawings. Standard of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. SO PSU 4.09.1-09. - Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2009. - 140 p.

2 Experience of business games in designing buildings. Proceedings of the conference "Energy, Energy Saving Technology, the Basis of Industrial-innovative Development" - Pavlodar: Innovative University of Eurasia, 2008.

3 Effective soundproofing of enclosing constructions with modern acoustic materials. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, Students and Schoolchildren “The XII Satpayev Readings”. - Pavlodar: PSU, 2012. Volume 14, pp. 379-386.

4 Effect of insolation on spacial arrangement and architectural engineering of buildings. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “The XIII Satpayev Readings”. V.. - Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2013. - pp. 44-46.

5 Non-destructive quality control in construction. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, Students and Schoolchildren “The XII Satpayev Readings”. - Pavlodar: PSU, 2012, Volume 14.

Total number of works: more than 130.

Awards, diplomas and certificates: Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010), Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov Gold Medal (2011). Diplomas and letters of appreciation from PSU.

Courses taught: Architecture I; Civic Buildings Architecture; Industrial Buildings Architecture; Civic Buildings Structures; Industrial Buildings Structures.

Professional experience: 40 years

Additional information: M.E. Danilova has administrative experience as a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.




Pavel Vasilievich Kornienko

Position: professor

Graduation, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Academic title: docent

Education: Higher education: civil engineer-technologist

List of publications: Over the past years, the most important articles:

1. Theoretical Foundations of Education optimal structure of cellular concrete. "Science and technology in Kazakhstan" 2010, № 2, 81-89.

2. Dependence of the properties of concrete cement stone structure and the binding energy between its components. "Science and technology in Kazakhstan" 2010, № 3, 60-66.

3. Resisting fine concrete and slag steelmaking (co Gakshteter GV-graduate student), Proceedings III International Seminar competition .... St. Petersburg "AlitInform" 2012, with 38-43.

4. Metrological control stage selection of concrete with desired properties (co Varlamov LyuA., Baymuldinova KS, Gakshteter GV) Actual problems nauki.Sb. Nauchn. works based on the International. Nauchn. Pract. Conference "Tambov, 2011, 72-73 p.

5. Local resources and industrial wastes in the production of building materials. (co Gakshteter GV - Master) Actual problems of science. Sat Nauchn. works based on the International. Nauchn. Pract. Conference "Tambov, 2011, 41-42

6. Economic justification modified concrete production. (co Gakshteter GV - Master) Material for 8 international scientific and practical conference "Scientific understanding Naynovite" -2012, Sofia "Byal Grad-BG" Ltd., 2012, 87-91 p.

7. Optimization of the modified concrete (Gorshkov et al LV, GV-Gakshteter undergraduate), VEDA A TECHOLGIE KROK DO BUDOUCNOSTI-2013, Praha, 2013, 82-84 p.

8. Production of modern vysokofuktsionalnyh concrete based steel slag. (co Gakshteter GV - Master) / / Technology betona.2013, № 3, C 47-49.

9. Impact speed submerged tunnel load on the stress-strain state of the surrounding massif SR Girnis PV Kornienko, KT Sakanov. VEDA A TECHOLGIE KROK DO BUDOUCNOSTI-2013, Praha, 2013, 11-22 p.

Awards, diplomas, certificates: Awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (26. September 2005).

Disciplines: 1.2 Technology of Concrete, Finishing materials, Methodology of Science and Research Methods, Measurement software construction industry, waterproofing and roofing materials, Binders, etc.

Field of research: Energy conservation in the reconstruction and design of buildings and structures.

Professional experience: 42 years

For more information: Finally, obtained the extradition of innovation patent, application № 2012/1197.1. 03.04.2013g. Concrete mixture, the authors Gakshteter GV, Kornienko PV, Introduced in production LLP "WSS Ltd" - the composition and production of heat-resistant concrete technology BR P B25 I12 (undergraduate c. MSiS Gakshteter GV-22, Research Manager prof. Kornienko PV)




Nikiforova Valentina Gennadievna

Position: associate professor

Graduation, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Education: Higher education: civil engineer-technologist

List of publications: 1.Mehanizm structuring cement - ash compositions. In the book.: VI International Congress on Chemistry of Cement, New Delhi, 1995.

2. Fast density estimation keramzitozolobetonov., Progressive equipment and processes of construction industry. Tez. Dokl. / Scientific - Technical Conference. - Penza 2000.

3. Some quality improvements ash concrete products. Technogenic waste in the production of building materials, Interuniversity collection of scientific papers, Poltava, 2011.

Awards, diplomas, certificates: awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005, awarded the Gold Medal of Sultanmakhmut Torajgyrov in 2011.

Disciplines: Disciplines – "Concrete Aggregates", "Processes and devices 1, 2", "Building Materials", "Thermal insulation and acoustic materials", "Technology of polymer materials"

Field of research: Industrial wastes in the production of lightweight concrete.

Professional experience: 33 years

For more information: has administrative experience at a Deputy. Dean and Head of Department.




Viktor Tadeushovich Stanevich.

Position: associate professor

Graduation, academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences

Academic title: associate professor

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

  • List of publications:

Awards, diplomas, certificates: In 2005 he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science.

In 2007 won the state grant "The best teacher of the university."

In 2011 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Sultanmakhmut Torajgyrov.

Honor and gratitude PSU.

Disciplines: "The technology of building ceramics", "Engineering Systems 1", "Construction machinery and equipment." "Hoisting and construction machines," etc.

Field of research: Environmental aspects of waste management industry

Professional experience: 30 years

For more information: 8 patents for inventions.




Alexei Petrovich Kapustin

Position: associate professor

Graduation, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

  • List of publications:

Awards, diplomas, certificates: Diplomas awarded 1 and 2 degree ENEA Kazakh SSR, USSR National Economy silver medal, in 1984. took second place in the competition for the best research work of the institute. In 1988. awarded first prize in the regional competition of young scientists in the field of scientific and technical progress, organized by the regional organization NIO USSR and the regional committee of Youth of Kazakhstan.

Disciplines: "Building materials", "Quality control of building materials", "Concrete Aggregates." "Basics of cement."

Field of research: Using aluminosilicate microspheres from burning coal Ekibastuz in the production of ceramic materials

Professional experience: 43 years

For more information: 12 invention certificates, has administrative experience at the dean of faculty, head of production control




Bayan Chakenovna Kudrysheva

Position: associate professor

Graduation, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

List of publications: The most important publications and presentations over the past five years:

1. Kudryshova B.Ch., Stanevich VT Zhalmagambetov BM New resource-saving technologies of ceramic building materials based on ugleothodov "energy-saving technologies - the basis of industrial - innovative development": Materials of Intern. scientific-practical conference. - Pavlodar innovation. Evraz. University, 2008 - p.121-122.

2. Torpischev Sh.K. Kudryshova B.Ch., and other waterproofing solution. Bull. Number 12 of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Description of the invention to innovation patent number 21930. - Astana, 2009 - pp. 1-4.

3. Stanevich VT Kudryshova B.Ch., Smailova BO Using waste industry. Scientific journal "Science and Technology of Kazakhstan." - Pavlodar PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2010 - № 1.

4. Torpischev Sh.K. Kudryshova B.Ch., etc. The raw material mixture for the production of slag-alkaline concrete Bull. Number 2 of the Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Description of the invention to innovation patent number 22275. - Astana, 2010 - pp. 1-4.

5. Kudryshova B.Ch., Stanevich VT Education and the possible ways of using industrial waste Pavlodar region / Actual problems of science: Sat scientific. tr. Materials Intern. Scientific-practical. conf. September 27, 2011: in 6 parts. Part 1, M Sample of Science. Tomba Univ TROO "Business Science-Society", 2011.

Awards, diplomas, certificates: honor and gratitude In.EU PSU

Disciplines: «Бетон технологиясы 1,2», «Құрылыстық керамика технологиясы», «Құрылыс материалдары». «Инженерлик жүйелер 1»

Field of research: Facing ceramic tile on the basis of industrial wastes

Professional experience: 30 years

For more information: There are 7 inventor's certificates, administrative experience to the Dean of the Faculty, Head of Production Management




Tuleugazy Kurmanbekovich Shakhayev

Position: senior Lecturer

Education: higher: Mechanical Engineer

Awards, diplomas, certificates: honor and gratitude In.EU PSU

Disciplines: құрылыс машиналары және жабдықтар; металлдар технологиясы-1; көтеріп-тасымалдайтын және құрылыс машиналар; құрылыстағы стандарттау; Construction Machinery and Equipment; standardization, metrology and certification, system standardization, metrology and certification, standardization in construction; qualimetry in construction; professional Kazakh language

Professional experience: 40 years

For more information: There are 7 inventor's certificates, administrative experience at the dean of faculty, head of production control.




Shaykhislam Takibayuly Takibay

Position: senior lecturer

Education: higher: hydraulic engineer

  • List of publications:

Awards, diplomas, certificates: honor and gratitude

Disciplines: Processes and devices-I, II, Building Materials, Materials Transportation ", etc.

Field of research: Study of thermal properties of building materials, energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings and structures.

Professional experience: in this organization - 5 years.




Karlygash Slyamovna Baymuldinova

Position: senior lecturer

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

List of publications: Metrological control stage selection of concrete with desired properties (co Kornienko PV, Varlamov LA Gakshteter GV) Actual problems of science. Collection of scientific papers based on the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Tambov, 2011, 72-73 p.

Awards, diplomas, certificates: honor and gratitude PSU

Disciplines: surveying, engineering surveying, geodesy inzhenerlіk; geotechnics; basis geotechnics; negіzderі geotechnics, production of building materials and products; binders; research methods of building materials; автоклавты материалдар технологиясы; жылуөткізбейтін және акустикалық материалдар; құрылыс материалдарын өндіру; қазіргі заманғы құрылыстық материалдары.

Professional experience: in this organization - 12 years




Kytina Tatyana Valentinovna

Position: senior lecturer

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

List of publications:

1. Ensuring the quality and safety of building materials and products in the production process. Kornienko PV, Amirov AS: In Sat: Proceedings of the International Conference «VII Satpaev readings" PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2007

2. Practical Application Penetron waterproofing of building structures. Ahmatulina AM Aisin RJ, Kornienko PV: In Sat: Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, students and schoolchildren «IX Satpaev readings" PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2009

3. Modern understanding of the processes of interaction of components in the autoclave. Imanberlenova SK Sayfurova EO: In Sat: Proceedings of Intl. scientific conference «IX Satpaev readings" PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2010

4. Comfort in the housing through the structure and properties of foam. Kornienko PV Kulik MS Nurhaeva AK Seilhanova AS: In Sat, Proceedings of Intl. scientific conference «XI Satpaev readings" PSU named. S.Toraigyrov, 2011

Disciplines: Construction machinery and equipment, building materials Technology, Transportation Materials.

Professional experience: in this organization - 7.5 years




Kaskirbaev Kabidolla Kistaybaevich

Position: senior Lecturer

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

List of publications: 5

Disciplines: "Technique and technology of water purification", "Engineering systems of buildings and structures", "Fundamentals of design and construction of buildings and structures." "Ғimarattar changed құrylymdardyң inzhenerlіk zhnyelerі" etc.

Field of research: Studies bottom sediments.

Professional experience: in this organization - 10 years

For more information: 3 patents for inventions




Abildinova Gylnara Kaidarovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Graduation, academic degree: M.Ed.

Education: higher

List of publications: more than 15 scientific publications

Disciplines: Professional Kazakh language, professional Russian language, education, vocational education and psychology, self and others

Field of research: Active citizenship

Professional experience: 10 years

For more information: Associate Dean for General Affairs of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction.





Mysakhanova Saltanat Tatarbekovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Education: higher: Civil Engineer

Disciplines: The general theory of measurements; standardization in construction; Өлшеудің жалпы теориясыар; Құрылыс материалдары; Көліктік материалтану.

Professional experience: in this organization - 10 years