The department «Production and standardization of construction materials» organizes initiative researches in the following scientific directions:

- producing ceramic building materials with the use of industry waste. Ecological aspects of industry waste recycling (V.T.Stanevich, Kudryshova B.Ch., Kapustin A.P., C.of TS.);

- research of skeletons work of many-storeyed buildings with overlapping in different levels (V.I.Danilov, C.of TS.);

- modern composite materials on the basis of mineral knitting substances; possibilities of natural resources and technogenic products are used while producing  materials for building area (Kornienko P. V C.of TS., Professor);

- use of industrial wastes for production of light concrete. (Nikiforova V.G., C.of TS., assistant professor).

- Production of a ceramic facing tile from daylighting breeds of the Ekibastuz coal basin. (Kudryshova B.Ch., к.т.н., assistant professor).

The major achievements of scientific activity

This year the department «Transport building and professional training» performed works on five initiative SRS. Over 30 scientific works were published. SSTC on department disciplines were held. In 2007-2008 s.y.  V.T.Stanevich C. of TS., senior lecturer has received a rank of the best teacher of the year.

Teachers and students of department have taken part in scientific conferences, such as:

– Pavlodar , Republican Scientific Conference for young scientists, students and schoolboys «Satpaev readings», PSU named after S.Toraigyrov;

– Pavlodar, International scientifically-practical conference «Ajmauytov tagylymy» devoted to the Z.Ajmauytov 120 anniversary, PSU named after S.Toraigyrov;

– Pavlodar, Republican scientific-theoretical conference «Torajgyrov readings», PSU named after S.Toraigyrov;

– Almaty, Republican conferences «Theoretical and experimental researches of building designs», KazGaSa;

– Pavlodar, XXXIV scientific-practical conference of small academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, devoted to the Pavlodar area 70 anniversary, Innovative Eurasian university;

– Pavlodar, scientific - practical conference «Energy – source saving technologies, basis of industrial-innovative development», Innovative Eurasian university;

– Novosibirsk, scientific and technical conferences, Novosibirsk state architecture-building university (Sibstrin).
Research work is planned in individual plans of all teachers.

The department conducts joint research work with leading and related department of the State university of food manufactures and Almaty technological university.

Efficiency of initiative research works proves to be successful by defending Master dissertations and passage of defending and predefending  theses for getting candidates degree; the edition of teaching aids and also delivering reports at regional and international conferences of various level and articles publication in scientific magazines of PSU, АTU and in central magazines of Russia and abroad. The majority of workings out of department also are introduced in educational process in dissertational Master works and diploma works of students.

The Faculty staff annually takes part in university, republican competitions, exhibitions, scientific conferences.


Students research work

Students of department annually take part in university, republican competitions, exhibitions, scientific conferences and also publish articles in conference editions. Under the direction of Stanevich V. T, Kornienko P. V and Danilov V. I more than 15 Master students on department specialities are prepared.

Scientific projects on participation in student's scientific- research program "Prometei"  2008/2009 academic year are developed. The head of the 2nd project «Working out of technology for creation of the electronic scheme of water supply systems of Pavlodar city » is Kaskirbaev K.K.