Students of the Department of "Personal development and education" take an active part in the social life and research activity of the University. They participate in the intra-university, national and international scientific conferences, national intellectual olympiads and contests of scientific projects. During their studies, they attend workshops and public lectures given by scientists from Kazakhstan and Russia, international scientific seminars and summer schools. The students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy win prizes at the Prometheus contest of scientific projects (S. Toraighyrov PSU), annually take part in the Satpayev Readings conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren (S. Toraighyrov PSU), and actively participate in the Student Self-government Ten-day Event. Students of the Department have an active civil position in the life of the University and our country.
The 2004-2005 academic year
A research group of students (A.M. Abeldinova, I.V. Lukyanova, V.I. Pronkina, Yu.V. Pletyukhina) participated in the Prometheus program with a project supervised by Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Ye.I. Burdina. As a result of the work carried out within this project, a book devoted to the 100th birthday of A.Kh. Margulan was presented at the Conference. In 2005, students of the Department took part in the National contest in Psychology and took the third place.
The 2006-2007 academic year
The BP-32 group students M. Magomedova, Yu. Redko, G. Balina participated in the Prometheus program with a project supervised by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.V. Semyonova, and won KZT 100,000. Students of the Department participated in the V National Students Olympiad in Psychology held at Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, the VI National Olympiad in Psychology at KarSU named after Ye.A. Buketov, where they took the third place.
The 2007-2008 academic year
Students of the Department participated in the VII National Contest in Psychology held at Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute, where they took the third place. The teaching staff of the Department held the First Summer School in Social Pedagogy and Psychology where the problems of social protection were considered. It was held at Bayantau resort house located on the shore of Sabyndykol (Bayanaul National Park). Among the distinguished guests were prominent Russian and Kazakh scientists:
- Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (IASPE) L.V. Mardakhayev (Russian State Social University, Moscow);
- Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, full members of IASPE M.A. Galaguzova (Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg);
- Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor G.Zh. Menlibekova (Eurasian National University, Astana);
- Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, corresponding member of IASPE A.S. Magauova (Kaynar University, Semey).
The 2008-2009 academic year
The students S. Kaliyeva, A. Burova (SR-202), G. Zhabagina (SR-301), and M. Baubekova (Ps-301) participated in the Prometheus contest under the supervision of Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Ye.N. Zhumankulova and won KZT 100,000. In 2008, the students of the Department took part in the national contest in pedagogy, took the first place and won the Wise Owl prize.
The 2009-2010 academic year
The SR-302 group students A. Dultseva, S. Kaliyeva, T. Shvaytser and their supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.V. Semyonova, took part in the II National Student Olympiad in Social Work, where they took the second place and won the title of the Most Creative Group (Kazakhstan, Karaganda). The SR-302 student S. Kaliyeva was awarded the certificate and prize named after Tokmukhamed Salmenovich Sadykov for excellent academic achievements and active participation in the life of the University. Students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy were the participants of the second shift of Koshbasshy Educational Innovation Camp for students of higher education institutions. This camp was organized by Zhas Otan, the youth wing of Nur Otan NDP, within the Zhastar - Otangha project aimed at the innovative development of youth, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Katarkol, the Burabay area, the Akmola region).
The 2010-2011 academic year
The SR-401 group students won scholarships named after Mashkhur Zhusup (A. Bozdayeva), T. Shayakhmetov (A. Nurkina), A. Bekturov (G. Novruzova) and state scholarship named after Al-Farabi from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (S. Kaliyeva). In order to raise students’ interest in social work, contribute to their intellectual development, and improve their educational and extracurricular activities, the teaching staff of the Department organized a quiz called My Profession is Social Work with the participation of all full-time students. In January, students of the department successfully completed the Volunteers Training organized by the U.S. Peace Corps and the German Weltwaerts with the support of the Samal Rehabilitation Center. Students A. Burova, S. Kaliyeva (SR-402) and Ye. Trukhina (SR-302) participated in the III National Students Intellectual Olympiad in Social Work where they took the second place and won the title of the most creative team.
The 2011-2012 academic year
The following student scientific clubs are available at the Department:
- the Ak Zhurek volunteer student movement (students in Social Work) supervised by S.G. Cherva;
- Psychology Club (students in Psychology, Pedagogy and Psychology) supervised by senior lecturer A.S. Papandopulo;
- the Concordia student scientific society.
In order to improve the quality of education and develop the inter-agency co-operation, the Department concludes agreements on organization of academic and industrial practice of students with B. Akhmetov Pavlodar Pedagogical College, the Psychologist-21 Regional Scientific and Applied Studio PF, Social Service Center SI, Social and Volunteer Center LPO, School No. 2 SI, K.A. Makpaleyev School No. 4 SI, Zhas Urpak CSPE, College of Humanities and Education, Pavlodar Specialized Institution for People with Chronic Mental Illnesses SI, Samal Rehabilitation Center, Regional Center for Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities SI, Department of Employment and Social Programs of Pavlodar SI, Pavlodar regional branch of the State Center for Pension Payment RSPE, Pavlodar City Center of Social and Psychological Rehabilitation and Integration of Women with No Fixed Abode SI, and the Department for Child Protection.
The branches of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of S. Toraighyrov PSU were established at B. Akhmetov Pavlodar Pedagogical College, the Psychologist-21 Regional Scientific and Applied Studio PF, Social Service Center SI, Social and Volunteer Center LPO, School No. 2 SI, K.A. Makpaleyev School No. 4 SI, Zhas Urpak CSPE, and Pavlodar Specialized Institution for People with Chronic Mental Illnesses SI.
The teaching staff of the Department annually performs contractual works with the Yertis Daryny SMMC RSPC, Department of Education of the Uspenka Area SI; Department of Education of the Lebyazhye Region, Neftekhim LLP.
In November of 2011, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh, senior lecturer A.S. Papadopulo and A.R. Zhunusova held a training seminar entitled “Adaptation, Socialization and Development of Life Skills in Psychological and Educational Support for Children at Orphanages and Boarding Schools” organized by the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh and Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor B.Kh. Galiyeva took part in a panel discussion entitled “Harmony in the Family is Harmony in the World” for school principals, school psychologists, subject teachers and parents at the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights in the Pavlodar Region SI.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor K.M. Kertayeva was invited by L. Gumilyov ENU to read lectures for the teaching staff of the University on the Basics of Pedagogic Deontology in December of 2011. Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor S.K. Ksembayeva and senior lecturer Zhunusova A.R. gave a seminar entitled “Social Work. Legal and Regulatory Framework, Methods and Standards in the Provision of Social Services” for social workers of Aksu on June 11, 2012.
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor S.K. Ksembayeva and Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor B.Kh. Galiyeva developed a study program entitled “Pedagogy of Higher Education” in the Russian and Kazakh languages and read a course of lectures on the Pedagogy of Higher Education for the teaching staff of the University in February of 2012.
- Students of the 050905 Social Work program participated in the Fourth Intellectual Olympiad in Social Work in Karaganda held at E. Buketov KarSU in March of 2012. (A. Yeleutayev, Z. Morozova, I.V. Yesmanov) and took the 3rd place.
- Students of the 5B050300 Psychology program participated in the Intellectual Olympiad in Psychology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in March of 2012 (Yu. Deryugina, A. Abilmagzumova, D. Azhmaganbetova, A. Makenova) and took the 2nd place. A. Makenova took the 3rd place in the individual standings in solving psychological problems.
During the academic year, the following student scientific clubs worked at the Department:
- the Concordia student scientific society (students of all programs) supervised by senior lecturer A.S. Papandopulo.
- the Support psychological club (students of all programs) supervised by senior lecturer A.S. Papandopulo;
- the Ak Zhurek volunteer student movement (students of all programs) supervised by S.G. Cherva.
Participation of the teaching staff of the Department in contests, awards.
In August of 2011, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh received a letter of appreciation from military unit No. 5512 (Pavlodar) and the Ministry for the Protection of Children's Rights (Astana).
In October 2011, senior lecturer A.R. Zhunusova won the Zhas Talap contest.
The certificates of the National Accreditation Centre: the 2nd place in Social Work (Bachelor's degree program) among the educational institutions of Kazakhstan, the 3rd place in Psychology (Bachelor's degree program).
The 2012-2013 academic year
In August of 2012, senior lecturer A.S. Popandopulo held a seminar entitled “Psychological Training” for the administration of military units of RK.
In November of 2012, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences Ye.S. Burdina and Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh took part in the round-table conference entitled “Childhood Protection: the State, Experience, Prospects” organized by Department for Child Protection of the Pavlodar Region SI.
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor S.K. Kesmbayeva and the PzhP-401 group students participated in the round-table conference entitled “The Origins of Violence, its Causes and Factors” organized by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Pavlodar region and the Crisis Center for Women with no Fixed Abode.
On January 17, 2013, senior lecturer A.S. Papadopoulo took part in the round-table conference entitled “The Role of Information and Consultancy Services in the Solution of Social Problems of Children of the Region” at Department for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Pavlodar Region SI.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor L.F. Malgina and the MPs-22n group Master's degree students gave a lecture to the teaching staff of PSU college. The topic of the lecture: Development of Creative Abilities of Students in the Learning Process. Senior lecturers S.G. Cherva and N.Yu. Pigovayeva held a regional workshop entitled “Realization of the Creative Potential of Students in Supplementary Education Institutions” for supplementary education teachers.
On February 19, 2013, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh and the MPs-12n group students held a seminar entitled “Strategy for Consulting People Who Have Turned to the Social Services for Help” for the specialists from the Association of the Information and Counseling Psychological Services at the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights in the Pavlodar Region SI.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Ye.I. Burdina was a consultant during the development of the “Leadership School” program regulations; Candidate of Psychologic Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Kolyukh held a seminar entitled “Psychology of Leadership” in February of 2013; Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Korovayko held a seminar entitled “Psychology of Speech” for Master's degree students of the University. On May 15, 2013, a lecture was given at Kaynar Children's Creativity Center in Ekibastuz. It was entitled “Family System as the Basis for the Development and Socialization of Children”.
In April of 2013, senior lecturer A.D. Zhomartova gave lectures in the music and technology colleges. They were devoted to the problem of violence and its prevention.
In May of 2013, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Ye.I. Burdina, senior lecturers A.R. Zhunusova, G.M. Tulekova, S.G. Cherva held a teachers council on the Contents of Educational Competence of Teachers and its Implementation in the Classroom at B. Akhmetov Pedagogical College. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor S.Ye. Bulekbayeva, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences I.V. Korovayko, senior lecturers A.D. Zhomartova, A.D. Aubakirova, A.S. Popandopulo took part in the Akhmetov Readings regional scientific and practical conference at B. Akhmetov Pedagogical College, where they were section moderators.
In June of 2013, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor L.F. Malgina held a seminar entitled “Prevention of Suicidal Symptoms” for young soldiers of the military unit of Pavlodar.
The Bachelor's degree program in Social Work took the 3rd place among higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the National Ranking of 2013.
By the decision of the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 programs of the Department (Psychology; Pedagogy and Psychology) successfully passed a specialized accreditation in 2013. Programs are accredited for the period of 5 years.
The 2013-2014 academic year
Students of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology actively participated in the following activities:
1. Students in 5B050300 Psychology F. Kogambayeva, R. Atchibayeva, N. Zhumadilov, A. Kulmakhanbet actively participated in the Republican Student Olympiad in Psychology, which took place in Almaty on March 25-29, 2014, and were awarded a 3rd place diploma.
2. Active participation in student scientific conference "New Religious Movements and Security of Kazakhstan: a View of the Youth" (A. Sagandykov, SR-302 (s) group student).
3. Students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy actively conducted research work, the results of which are reflected in the proceedings of international scientific conferences:
- International Scientific Conference "VI Toraighyrov Readings" dedicated to the 120th birthday of S. Toraigyrov. Many topical problems of various fields of science were considered during the Conference.
- Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Works by K. Bekkhozhin and Modern Kazakh Poetry".
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "XIV Satpayev Readings" for young scientists, undergraduate and graduate students:
- A. Meyramgaliyeva, an AZh-101 group student, was awarded a 1st place diploma;
- N. Zhumadilov, a Ps-301 group student, was awarded a 2nd place diploma.
The following students were awarded certificates of participation:
- B. Ispulova, a SR-102 (s) group student;
- A. Omarova, a Ps-202 group student;
- G. Alimkhanova, a Ps-301 group student;
- A. Nygmetova, a Ps-301 group student;
- G. Kapuova, a Ps-202 group student;
- I.N. Tokenova, a MPs-12n group Master's degree student;
- A.V. Manakhova, a MPs-12n group Master's degree student;
- A.V. Petrova, a MPs-12n group Master's degree student.
4. An AZh-101 group student Adina Meyramgaliyeva was awarded a letter of appreciation for active participation in the scientific and methodological seminar "Interethnic Tolerance in Contemporary Kazakh Society: Current Status and Trends".
5. A SR-302(s) group student A. Sagandykov is a winner under the Zhas Ghalym student research program. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Korovayko.
6. MPs-12n Master's degree students I.N. Tokenova, D.Ye. Zhagiparova and A.V. Manakhova held an event devoted to the Day of Autism Awareness.
7. Master's degree students in Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the national research works competition held in Astana Turan University in 2014. A MPiP-22n group student D. Baymoldina took the second place with a project entitled 'Psychological and Educational Support of Training Autistic Children for Learning at School'. A MPiP-12n group student Zh. Matenova took the third place with the project entitled 'Social and Psychological Support for People under the Influence of Sects' took the 3rd place. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor A.A. Kudysheva.
2014-2015 academic year:
Students of the specialty 5B050300-Psychology participated in the subject Olympiad in psychology in Almaty on the basis of the KazNU named after Alfarabi in March 2015 (Ulmakhanbet A., Ps-401; Zhumadilov N., Ps-401; Kogambaeva F., Ps-401, senior teacher Kodekova G.B.) and took 3rd place.
G. Kapuova, a student of the Ps-302 group, was awarded a certificate for active participation in the XII International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Assessment of the results of mastering vocational education programs in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard: Regional Experience". Zhumadilov N.Zh., a student of the Ps-401 group, was awarded a certificate confirming training in the "Club of Legal Knowledge" at the KSU "Center for the Development of Youth Initiatives", Department for Youth Policy of Pavlodar Region, Pavlodar-2014.
The organizers of the KSU "Center for the Development of Youth Initiatives" of the Department for Youth Policy of the Pavlodar region on the basis of the Public Service Center were awarded a certificate of participation in the training seminar "Formation of life skills in a youth environment": (07.10.2014) students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "Psychology ".
During the academic year, student scientific circles functioned at the department:
- Student radio-club "Path to success" (students of all specialties of PSU named after S. Toraighyrov), head senior teacher Korovaiko I.V .;
- Club of psychologists "Bolashaka Zhol" (students of the specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social work), supervisors Ph.D., professor Burdina E.I., senior teacher Kudarova N.A., senior teacher Zhunusova A .R., Senior teacher Kodekova GB;
- Student circle "Master" (students of the specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and Psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social Work), supervisors senior teacher Aubakirova SD, senior teacher Zhomartova AD;
- Art therapy circle (students of specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social work), supervisors PhD doctor, associate professor N.Yu. Pigovaeva, senior teacher M.E. Nurgalieva, S.K. Antikeeva teacher;
Organized and conducted: Day of the social worker, in October 2014, under the guidance of the teacher Antikeev S.K., Day of the psychologist, in December 2014, under the guidance of the senior teacher Kodekova G.B.
We became the winners of the competition of the student research program "Zhas Kalym" PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Ksembaeva Saule Kamalidenovna and a student of group ӘZH-401 Babyқ Raushan Amantaykyzy.
Undergraduates of groups MPiP-12p (Ganieva E., Khaimuldina A.), MSR-12p (Ospanova S.) underwent scientific training within the framework of training programs at foreign universities at Istanbul University (Istanbul, Turkey). MPS-12 n, Satybaldina A., Kospakov A. - scientific internship at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), MPiP-21 n, Ertishon O. - at Omsk State University. Master students of the group MPs-22n Tokenova I., Zhagiparova D., MPs-21n. R. Mausumbaev, and students of the SR-302 group Sh. Iskakova, E. Puchkova, E. Mukhametkalieva Ps-201 studied for academic mobility in Latvia (Riga) at the Baltic Institute of Psychology and Management.
2015-2016 academic year:
Students of the specialty 5B090500-Social work participated in the subject Olympiad on social work in Karaganda on the basis of the KSU named after E.A. Buktova in April 2016 (Zhanna Erlanovna Baltasheva, Elena Valerievna Vaygandt, Aliya Karataevna Sadvokasova, students of the SR-302 group) and took 3rd place;
The following students were awarded: A. Zhakupova, student of group SR-402, Amangeldinova A., student of group Ps-201, Ingayip S., student of group Ps-201, Iskakova Sh., Student of group SR-402, Puchkova E., student of group Ps-201 SR-402, Meiramgalieva A.E. for active participation in the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XVI Satpayev Readings", Pavlodar 2016; Meiramgalieva A.E. student gr. ӘZH-301, for active participation in the IV International scientific and practical Internet conference "Health status: medical, social and psychological and pedagogical aspects", Chita, 2015
On December 02, 2015, a round table was organized and held on the eve of the republican action 16 days without violence against women under the slogan "Happy country - happy family!" on the topic "Prevention of domestic violence, prevention of delinquency by minors" organized by the group for the protection of women from violence of the administrative police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Pavlodar together with KSU "Pavlodar City Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women with Children" and the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.
- develop gender sensitivity to the problem of violence;
- teach the skills of resisting violence;
- raising awareness about the problem of domestic violence and the degree of general understanding of the harmful effects on the development and health of children of their presence during scenes of violence;
- responsibility of minors.
As part of the round table, a competition for student research papers was held, the best works were awarded a letter of thanks.
Students reports:
- Meiramgalieva Adina, student of the group YJ-301, the topic of the report is “Rehabilitation of women who have been subjected to violence”;
- Puchkova Evgeniya, Iskakova Shakhnur, students of the SR-402 group, the topic of the report is "Prevention of violence against women graduates of boarding schools";
- Kazymbetova Aigerim, student of the SR-402 group, the topic of the report is "Women who have been subjected to violence under the auspices of the Union of Crisis Centers of Kazakhstan";
- Shuravina Tatyana, student of the SR-402 group, the topic of the report is "Features of the social problems of women released from prison."
During the academic year, student scientific circles functioned at the department:
- Student radio-club "The way to success" (students of all specialties of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov), head senior teacher Korovaiko I.V .;
- Club of psychologists "Bolashaka Zhol" (students of the specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social work), supervisors Ph.D., professor Burdina E.I., senior teacher Kudarova N.A., senior teacher Codekova G .B .;
- Student circle "Master" (students of the specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and Psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social work), supervisor senior teacher Zhomartova A.D;
- Art therapy circle (students of specialty 5B010300 Pedagogy and psychology, 5B050300 Psychology, 5B090500 Social work), supervisors PhD doctor, associate professor N.Yu. Pigovaeva, senior teacher M.E. Nurgalieva, S.K. Antikeeva teacher;
Organized and conducted:
- Day of the social worker, in November 2016, under the guidance of teachers Korovaiko I.V., Shaimerdenova A.K., PhD, Associate Professor Pigovaeva N.Yu., with the participation of students of the specialty 5В050300 Psychology, 5В010300 Pedagogy and Psychology, 5В090500 Social work with the Kazakh language of instruction;
- Day of the psychologist, in December 2016, under the guidance of the senior teacher Shcherbakova E.P. with the participation of students of the specialty 5B050300.
The certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object called "Social assistance" electronic resource "(computer program) was received by students Babyk R., Toktarov A., Alina A., Mamelina S., Aitbaeva M., Botina D., Shegirov A., Kaliev N. Under the guidance of candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Ksembayeva S.K.
2016-2017 academic year:
During the year, students of the department took an active part in research work: Bokenbai A.B. (PzhP-101), Imankulova M.S. (PzhP-101), Mukhamedzhanova D.S. (PzhP-101), Amangeldy A.M. (SR-402), Vaygandt E.V. (SR-402), Amangeldinova A.S. (Ps-301), Baltasheva Zh.E. (SR-402), Galyamova A.K. (SR-402), Imankulov A.K. (ӘZh-101), Kamsha S.S. (SR-402), smanova A. Sh. (ӘZh-101), Sadvokasova A.K. (SR-402), Saparbekova A.M. (SR-402).
Awarded students:
- Students of the specialty 5B090500 "Social work" took part in the IX Republican student Olympiad in the specialty 5B090500 "Social work" on the basis of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketova in April 2017 (Baltasheva Zhanna Erlanovna (SR-402), Vaygandt Elena Valerievna, Kabdrasheva Anel Serikovna (SR-302)) and took 2nd place.
- Student Amangeldinova Altyn Sayatovna (Ps-301) - awarded 1st place at the International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Master's Students, Students and Schoolchildren "XVII Reading" (S. Toraigyrov PSU, Pavlodar, 2017).
- Student Imankulov Amanzhol (ӘЖ-101) - awarded the 1st place at the International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Master's Students, Students and Schoolchildren "XVII Reading" (S. Toraigyrov PSU, Pavlodar, 2017).
Students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (Baltasheva Zh E., SR-402, Vaygandt A.V., SR-402, Kabdrasheva A.S., SR-302) were awarded letters of thanks for their active participation in the training seminar on the topic: " Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome of social workers in professional activities "for employees of the KSU" Population Center "of the Employment and Social Programs Department of Pavlodar, Pavlodar Akimat (dated 17.04.2017).
2017-2018 academic year:
Students of the specialty 5B050300-Psychology took part in the subject Olympiad in psychology (Almaty, KazNU named after Al-Farabi) in March 2018: Amirbekova Akbota Daniyargyzy, Apsalikova Aidana Yurievna, Issei Aisulu-Maratkyzy, Serikgali Yerkyzy 30 ..
Undergraduates of the department participated in the Olympiad in the specialty 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology (Almaty, Abai Kazakh National University) in April 2018: Meiramgalieva Adina Erlanovna, Prokhorenko Alexandra, Igorevna, Yusupova Batiya Sansyzbaevna, Murzabekov, Ildar Rashidov MPiP-22n, group MPiP-12n).
During the year, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the department took an active part in research work: Abeyldinova A.R., Aipova A.K., Antikeeva S.K., Asanova E.E., Baytenova G.B., Beisembay A A., Daryanova K. Sh., Ivanova V. A., Kataev E. S., Kireeva A. N., Kostyuchenko A. V., Kudarova N. A., Migranova R. Zh., Muratbai B. ., Murzabekov I.R., Nurgalieva M.E., Nurkali M.E., Ramazanova Zh.A., Sadimova B.M., Temirgalinova A.K., Tinibekov R.N., Ankudinova M.L., Akhmetova M.M., Duysekenova Zh.K., Ergabulova M.E., Kangeldinova Zh.A., Kushubaeva N. Yu., Makhsat P.M., Prokhorenko A.I., Sattarova Z.R., Sadybekova S M.
2018-2019 academic year:
During the year, the students of the department took an active part in research work: Bazilova A.B. (PzhP-401), Ksembay M.M. (Ps-101), Sarsekenova Zh.Yu. (PzhP-401), Master B. (PzhP-101), Tileubay A. (Ps-101).
Awarded students:
- Students of the specialty 5B050300 "Psychology" took part in the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B050300 "Psychology" on the basis of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty in March 2019 (Alikhanova T., Makhmetova K., Abugalieva D.). A student of the Ps-202 group Alikhanova Tomiris received a diploma 3rd place in the individual competition.
- The team of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of S. Toraigyrov PSU became the participants of the XI Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the specialty “Social Work” and received a diploma - 1st place in the team competition (Kusmanova A., Imankulov A., Bekmakhanova Zh.). Kusmanova Alina took 2nd place in the individual standings.
- Students Mukhamedzhanova D., Dauletbaeva D., Bekmakhanova Zh. Took part in the Olympiad in the specialty 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology" at the Al-Farabi KazNu in Almaty.
Organized and conducted:
- Day of the social worker, in November 2018, under the guidance of teachers Shaimerdenova A.K., Taibolatov K.M. with the participation of students of the specialty 5B090500 "Social work".
- Day of the psychologist, in December 2018, under the guidance of the senior teacher Popandopulo A.S. with the participation of students of the specialty 5B050300 "Psychology".
2019-2020 academic year:
During the year, the students of the department took an active part in research work: Begimzhanova I.M. (PzhP-201), Mukhamedzhanova D.S., Bokenbai A.B., Imankulova M.S. (PzhP-401), Syzdyқ G . Zh. (PzhP-101 (қ)), Ksembay M.M. (Ps-101), Bakybaeva A.N. (PzhP-201), Slamkhan A. (ӘZh-301).
Participants of the XII Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the specialty "Social Work" (KazNU named after al-Farabi)
1. Tilovberdieva Bayan - certificate for participation
2. Imankulov Amanzhol - certificate for participation
3. Slamkhan Arna - certificate for participation
The team of the department "Psychology and Pedagogy" of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov "Qolganat" received a diploma for the second place in the team competition.
Conference participants:
1) Begimzhanova Indira - 1st degree diploma, International Scientific Conference "XX Satpayev Readings" for pupils, students, undergraduates, young scientists (section "Psychology"), 2020 (Supervisor: Taibolatov Қ.M.);
2) Slamkhan Arna - 1st degree diploma, International Scientific Conference "XX Satpayev Readings" for pupils, students, undergraduates, young scientists (section "Social Work"), 2020 (Supervisor: Taybolatov Қ.M.);
3) Bakybaeva Arailym - diploma of the II degree, International scientific conference "XX Satpayev readings" for pupils, students, undergraduates, young scientists (section "Psychology"), 2020 (Supervisor: Taibolatov Қ.M.).
Organized and conducted:
- Day of the social worker, in November 2019, under the guidance of teachers Shaimerdenova A.K., Taibolatov K.M. with the participation of students of the specialty 5B090500 "Social work".
- Day of the psychologist, in December 2019, under the guidance of the senior teacher Popandopulo A.S. with the participation of students of the specialty 5B050300 "Psychology".
2020-2021 academic year:
During the year, the students of the department took an active part in research work: D. A. Anuarbek, A. Chuzhaeva (group Ps-101), Rakhaeva A. A. (group Ps-102), Misheleva S. S ., Musaldaev Zh.M. (group Ps-302), Orazbaeva G. Zh. (Group PzhP-201 (қ)), Zhamanbaeva T.N. (group PzhP-201).
Participants of the International Pedagogical Olympiad "Ukili Umit":
1. Orazbayeva G. Zh. - Diploma for the 1st place
2. Zhamanbaeva T.N. - certificate for participation
Participants of the Republican Subject Olympiad in Psychology:
1.Misheleva S.S. - diploma for the III place
2. Musaldaev Zh. M. - certificate for participation
3. Seisenbaeva A. K. - certificate for participation
Conference participants:
1) Anuarbek D. A. - diploma of the II degree, International scientific conference "XXI Satpayev readings" for pupils, students, undergraduates, young scientists (section "Pedagogy"), 2021 (Supervisor: Kudarova N. A.);
2) Chuzhaeva A. A. - 1st degree diploma, International scientific conference "XXI Satpayev readings" for pupils, students, undergraduates, young scientists (section "Social work"), 2021 (Supervisor: Kudarova N. A.).
Student gr. Ps-102 Rakhaeva A.A. received a diploma of the winner in the nomination "БІЛІМДІ ӘЙГІЛЕУДЕГІ ҮЛЕСІ ҮШІН" of the international prize "Volunteer of the Year" from the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2020-2021 academic year:
During the year, students of the department took an active part in research work: Dosymkhanov A. A., Aitmagambetova A. S., Zhengulova D. A.
The students of the department took part in a seminar on the topic "Innovative methodological approaches to scientific and pedagogical research" from July 04 to July 07, 2022, lecturer - Ph.D., associate professor, professor of the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanova Fominykh N. Yu.
2022-2023 academic year:
During the year, the students of the department took an active part in research work: Rakushina Ye. (1st place), Anuarbek D., Kabdolla A., Abil B., Marat A., Aleksenko A., Zharikova N., Musaldayev Zh., Kadyr G.
Participants in proactive research (topics) within the scientific areas of the department:
- Rakhimzhanova A.A., topic «Математикалық статистика негіздері», scientific adviser – Nurgaliyeva M.Ye.;
- Ivanetz A.Ye., topic «Коэффициент корреляции r-Спирмена», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Khitrik D.A., topic «Трансформация традиционной модели семьи и брака в молодежной среде», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Gunbina Ye.V., topic «Исследование кратковременной памяти у дошкольников посредством критерия Т-Вилкоксона», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Kirpa T.O., topic «Выявление иерархии терминальных ценностей внутри семьи», scientific adviser – AubakirovaR.Zh.;
- Sadakova A.Zh., topic «Изучение уровня тревожности при помощи G-критерия знаков», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Goryachev I.I., topic «Изменение уровня агрессивности», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Gulyayev I.A., topic «Влияние компьютерных игр на людей», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.;
- Bedrina I.V., topic «Критерий Манна-Уитни», scientific adviser – Aubakirova R.Zh.
Student gr. ӘЖ-101 Temirkhan Balzira was awarded a letter of gratitude for her active participation in the republican debate tournament “Дәуірдің жарық жұлдызы” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A. Baitursynov. Student gr. ӘЖ-101 Zhumagaliyeva Dinara took 3rd place in the dictation competition held among students of the NJSC “Toraighyrov University” within the framework of the republican project “Атамекен – туған жер”.
As part of the implementation of the project of the Prosecutor's Office of the Pavlodar region "Youth and the Law" together with the Public Foundation "Еркін Дүние" with the support of the department "Personal Development and Education" and the "Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health" in Pavlodar, a set of training activities was carried out on the prevention of drug use psychoactive substances among students. The coordinators of the prevention project are the head of the department of “Personal Development and Education” R. Zh. Aubakirova and the head of the Public Foundation Taizhanova-Shcherbinina L. M.
2023-2024 academic year:
During the year, the students of the department took an active part in research work:
1) Khitrik Darya (group Ps-302(a)) became the winner of the Republican competition "Youth Initiatives" among students, held at the Department of Pedagogy and Management in Education of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Supervisor - PhD, postdoctoral student Popandopulo A.S.;
2) Valeria Lokay (group Ps-302) received a diploma for taking 3rd place in the All-Russian competition with international participation of research projects of master's students and young scientists of Russian and foreign educational institutions of higher education, dedicated to the Day of Russian Science. Supervisor - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Aubakirova R. Zh.;
3) Valeria Lokay (group Ps-302) received a 3rd degree diploma in the Intra-university competition of student research papers "On the role of academician K. I. Satpayev in the formation of modern Kazakhstani science". Supervisor - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Aubakirova R. Zh.;
4) Pupareva Darya, Mironycheva Elizaveta (group Ps-302), Abdrakhmanova Adema (group Ps-301) took part in the XVI Republican student subject Olympiad in Psychology at KAZGLU named after M.S. Narikbayev. Supervisor - PhD, postdoctoral student Popandopulo A.S.;
5) Rakushina E. (group SR-302), Misheleva S., Zharikov N., Musaldaev Zh. (group MPs-22n), Bondarenko D., Plotnikov A. (group Ps-102), Zakieva Zh. (group Ps-402) took part in the International Scientific Conference "XXIV Satpayev Readings";
6) Antyasova T. (group Ps-402) took part in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Early Professional Self-Determination of Students in the BSE System".
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