Лучшие выпускники

Zhabagina Galiya Myrzabekovna
Date of birth 13.02.1989. In 2006-2010. studied at S. Toraighyrov PSU , specialty 050905 "Social work". In 2012, she graduated with honors from the magistracy of S. ToraighyrovbPSU, specialty 6M090500 "Social work". Participated in the VII - VIII Satpayev readings, 2nd place "IX Satpayev readings", winner of the research program "Prometheus" among students, participant in the "Summer School in Social Pedagogy and Psychology", courses on "Methodology and methodology of comparative pedagogy", "II Pedagogical Readings ". The theme of the diploma project is "Technologies of social work with women experiencing domestic violence" language: "Отбасында зорлық-зомбылық шеккен әйелдермен әлеуметтік жұмыс технологиялары". For excellent studies, active participation in the public life of the university in 2009 she was awarded a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently he works at the KSU "Medical and social institution for the elderly and disabled in Pavlodar region" in the position of deputy director for social work.




Antikeyeva Samal Kanatovna
She was born on August 14, 1990 in Pavlodar. In 2007 she graduated from high school with honors. In the same year she entered the PSU named after I. S. Toraighyrov for the specialty "Social work" on the state educational grant. After completing her second year in 2009, she took part in the Work and Travel USA student exchange program in the USA. In 2010 and 2011. as part of the team "PSU.kz" participated in the Republican Student Olympiad in the specialty "Social Work", held at the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov (Karaganda), according to the results of which the team of PSU named after S. Toraigyrova twice took the second prize and was awarded the title "The most creative group". In May 2010, Samal received an award and a certificate named after an outstanding scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokmukhamed Sadykov. In the 4th year, she became the owner of the Al-Farabi state scholarship. Kalieva Samal is actively working in the framework of the student volunteer movement "Ak zhurek". After graduating from the university with a red diploma, she entered the magistracy in the specialty "Social work" in the scientific and pedagogical direction. At the moment, Samal works at the Department of Personal Development and Education as an associate professor and has a PhD degree.



Tulepbergenova Zhadyra Rymtaevna
Date and place of birth 03/18/1988 Pavlodar region, Bayanaul district, Yegindibulak village. In 2006-2010. studied at S. Toraighyrov PSU , specialty 050905 "Social work". The theme of the diploma project is “The content of the socio-psychological problem among young people. A student of courses on "Methodology and methods of comparative pedagogy." For excellent studies, active participation in the public life of the university in 2009 she was awarded a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently works in the State Institution "Pavlodar Specialized House for Psychochronists", as a social worker.







Жумадилов Нурмагамбет
Родился 01 октября 1993 года в г. Павлодар. В 2011 году поступил в ПГУ имени С. Торайгырова на специальность «Психология». В 2015 году в составе команды Павлодарского государственного университета имени С. Торайгырова участвовал в VII Республиканской предметной олимпиаде по специальности «Психология», проходившей в Казахском национальном университете имени Аль-Фараби (г. Алматы), по результатам которой занял 3 место. Жумадилов Нурмагамбет принимал активное участие в работе молодежного крыла "Жас Отан" и Молодежного волонтерского центра. Закончив университет, поступил в магистратуру по специальности «Психология» на научно-педагогическое направление. На данный момент Нурмагамбет работает над магистерской диссертацией на тему «Бастауыш сынып жасындағы балалардың агрессивті мінез-құлығын арт-терапия арқылы түзету».