
The teachers of the department conduct active research activities in various areas in the field of psychology, pedagogy and social work. 

The faculty of the department takes an active part in international and foreign conferences (Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, USA, England, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, China, Kyrgyzstan), regularly improve their qualifications.

Aryn E.M., Pfeifer N.E., Burdina E.I., Semenova M.V., Gushchina L.Yu. for the textbook "Theoretical aspects of professional training of the teacher of the XXI century" in 2007 was awarded the State Prize named after Y. Altynsarin for the best research in the field of pedagogy. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kertaeva K.M. became the owner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university for 2007".

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zhumataeva E.O. became the winner of the open competition for applied scientific research "National idea as the basis for sustainable development of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009."

Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Methodological and technological foundations for the formation of a culture of intellectual work of future specialists" - Ph.D., Assoc. professor (associate professor) V.Kh. Adilova

Received a PhD diploma and awarded the title of Associate Professor of PSU - G. M. Tulekova

Adilova V.Kh. - 2015 - winner of the competition for grant funding of scientific research of the SC MES RK for 2015-2017.

She was awarded the jubilee medal of candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Ksembaeva S.K.

ADA anniversary fellowship program, the USA, ASU - Ph.D., professor A. A. Kudysheva

Adilova V.Kh. - 2016 - laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2015 among teachers of higher educational institutions and research workers of research institutions of the Russian Federation (diploma of the Russian Education Development Fund of the Russian Federation).

Aubakirova R. Zh. - winner of the Y. Altynsarin Prize for the best scientific research and work in the field of pedagogy (2023), winner of the competition "Best University Teacher-2023" (2023), winner of the breastplate of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin" (2024).

The Dissertation Council works in the direction of training "8D011 (specialty 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology. Theses defended:

1. Dontsov Artem Sergeevich on the topic "Formation of the readiness of undergraduates in the scientific and pedagogical direction for the implementation of subject-language integrated learning" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology".

2. Akhmedzhanov Asad Bisengazyevich on the topic "Bolashak zaggerlerdin kusibi uzhin kalyptastyrudyk negizi retinde bilim mazmunyndagy khalyktyk dusturler" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Psychology - 6D010;

3. Nurgalieva Murshida Elubaevna on the topic “Studentterdin intellectuals Aleuetin arttyru derisinde uzdik zhumysty ұyymdastyrudyk pedagogicalyk sharttary” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy “PhD” in the specialty “6D010300 and - Psychology”;

4. Makhadieva Asel Karataevna on the topic “Ata-ana men autistic ball” Karym-Katynas zhyesindegi stresti zheudi psychology-pedagogicals suyemeldeu ”for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy“ PhD ”in the specialty“ 6D010300 - Pedagogy. ”

5. Uaykhanova Meruert Asetovna on the topic "The pedagogical concept of culturological content of a modern school textbook" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

6. Erofeeva Renata Zhaudatovna on the topic "Formation of teachers' professional readiness of physical culture, taking into account gender characteristics of students" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

7. Kudarova Nazgul Abilbekovna on the topic "Жоғары оқу орнында студенттердің көшбасшылық қасиеттерін өркендетуде ұлттық кодтың атқарар рөлі" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Psychology"

8. Kodekova Galiya Bikenovna on the topic "Студенттердің кәсіби ойлау қабілетін дамытудың ғылыми-теориялық негіздері" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

9. Zhomartova Aisulu Dalelovna on the topic "Формирование готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзивному образованию в условиях информатизированной среды", submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

10. Antikeyeva Samal Kanatovna on the topic "Формирование психолого-педагогических компетенций социальных работников через курсы повышения квалификации", submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

11. Popandopulo Anar Serikovna on the topic "Развитие метапознания студентов вуза в процессе изучения психолого-педагогических дисциплин" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

12. Alimova Sholpan Zhanbolatovna on the topic "Формирование исследовательской компетентности студентов в процессе психолого-педагогической подготовки", submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

13. Kuanysheva Bakyt Taupykhovna on the topic "Формирование медиакомпетентности студентов в условиях иноязычной подготовки в ВУЗе" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

14. Ainagul Tanyrbergenovna Kabbasova on the topic "Педагогические условия использования метапредметного потенциала иностранного языка в подготовке будущих учителей" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "PhD" in the specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology"

15. Kazhikenova Gulnar Muratovna on the topic "Развитие рефлексивного диалога в педагогическом процессе ВУЗа" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology

16. Suyundikova Margisat Kabidenovna on the topic "Студенттердің креативтік ойлау қабілетін арттырудың ғылыми-теориялық негіздері" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology

17. Kayumova Maya Sairanovna on the topic "Формирование исследовательских компетенций обучающихся в процессе планирования Start-up проектов" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology

18. Kataev Erdan Sovetovich on the topic "Формирование исследовательских компетенций педагога общеобразовательной школы в условиях обновления содержания образования: герменевтико-феноменологический подход" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology

19. Temirgalinova Asel Kairgeldinovna on the topic «ЖОО-ның полиэтникалық ортасында болашақ педагогтардың коммуникативтік-этнопедагогикалық құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру» for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "РhD" in the specialty 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology

International relations have been expanded and international agreements on academic cooperation in the field of education and science have been signed with: Altai State University (Barnaul, RF), Omsk Regional Institute (Omsk, RF), Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (Moscow, RF), Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky (Omsk, RF), St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work (St. Petersburg, RF), European Academy of Economics and Politics (Prague, Czech Republic), Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk, RF).

As part of grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym project, the following projects are being implemented (postdoctoral studies):

- Azhenov Askar Alimauletovich with the topic "Integration of career counseling in the system of higher educational institutions: analysis of the current situation and development prospects" (2022-2024 years);

- Popandopulo Anar Serikovna with the topic "Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of students' metacognitive abilities as the main factor in the success of education in the conditions of updated education" (2022-2024 years);

- Shcherbakova Yelena Pavlovna with the topic "Model of dual education at the university" (2022-2024 years);

- Pshembaev Murat Asetovich with the topic "Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of soft skills (flexible skills) of university students: effective practices and prospects" (2024-2026 years). 

Teachers of the department Ksembaeva S. K., Popandopulo A. S., Shcherbakova E. P., Pshembayeva E. S., Khaimuldina A. Yu. within the framework of grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024.

Obtaining a PhD diploma - Suyundikova M.K.
Teachers of the department Tulekova G. M., Nurgaliyeva M. E., Antikeyeva S. K., Zhomartova A. D., Manabayev A. B. and 2nd year doctoral student Abdizhamalova A. K. under the leadership of the head of the department Aubakirova R. Zh. won project on the topic “Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competencies of university students with special educational needs (using the example of the Pavlodar region)” within the framework of grant funding of scientific projects for 2023-2025.