In accordance with the mission, quality policy and Strategic development plan, Toraigyrov University sets the following goals:
1 Place and role of the University in the system of higher and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan:
- positioning in the national ranking – TOP 5;
- positioning in international rankings, including: QS EECA – TOP 100, Webometrics – 4900 place, Australian rating (InternationalColleges&Univesities) – 4800 place;
- effective activities of the Supervisory and Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors;
- ensuring information openness and transparency of events taking place at the University in order to create a positive image of the University – 100 %;
- autonomy of the University, integrated entrepreneurial culture (perception of innovation by management and leading professors as an essential condition for successful and sustainable development of the University);
- University activities based on the formation of an external and internal corporate governance system;
- abolition of the linear-functional management structure and transition to a divisional-matrix management structure;
- the number of bachelor's and master's degrees included in the top five according to the results of the national ranking of universities – 85 (in 2024).
2 Academic policy:
- total number of students – 13080 people (by 2024);
- the share of graduates employed in their specialty from the total number of graduates – 85 % (by 2024);
- the total number of educational programs implemented is 172 units (by 2024);
- the share of educational programs implemented using dual training technology is 70% (by 2024);
- the share of innovative educational programs developed by order of industry associations and enterprises – 10%;
- the share of educational programs implemented in English – 10 % (by 2024);
- the number of University staff from near and far abroad – 50 people (by 2024);
- the number of teaching staff who have passed professional development and foreign training – 110 people (by 2024);
- development of integration corporate management in the system «University-Region-Business Community»;
- opening of additional educational programs in the areas of master\'s and doctoral studies, opening of internationally recognized MINOR, MBA and DBA programs, conducting an effective marketing policy in the market of educational programs;
- qualitative improvement of modular educational programs, expansion of investment in the material infrastructure of educational programs and professional development of teaching staff;
- development of a system and mechanisms for grading the quality of trained graduates, taking into account the cost of their knowledge, skills and competencies in the labor market.
3 Development of innovative potential and its achievement:
- study and in-depth analysis of global trends in science and innovation;
- ensuring comprehensive compliance of scientific research trends at the University with global SREDP trends, taking into account the priorities of “Industrialization 4.0”;
- building and applying in practice an effective system of regional and national marketing of the SREDP market;
- creation of target groups of students for the implementation of innovative business projects;
- financing of innovative research programs;
- creation of project structures at regional enterprises for the implementation of entrepreneurial projects with the participation of students and teaching staff;
- comprehensive renovation, reconstruction and modernization of the research material base;
- the share of teaching staff with international certificates confirming their foreign language proficiency in accordance with pan-European competencies (standards) – 10 % (by 2024).
4 Commercialization of scientific and technical developments:
- the number of publications in journals recommended by CQAES – 1300 units (by 2024);
- number of publications in journals included in international citation databases – 350 units (by 2024);
- the number of patents received by University scientists is 55 (by 2024);
- the share of teaching staff involved in the implementation of funded research projects – 60%;
- number of international scientific and educational projects – 11 units;
- the number of initiative independent business projects of PPP with access to commercialization – 50 units (by 2024);
- the number of initiative independent student entrepreneurial projects with planned commercialization – 580 units (by 2024);
- the share of projects financed by local authorities and business representatives – 10 %;
- implementation of the volume of funded SREDP – 1,390 thousand tenge (by 2024);
- share of SREDP revenue in the University budget – 4.1%
Approved at the Meeting of the Academic Council (Minutes № 3, 28, October, 2020)