A National Research and Practical Conference on the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan As a Unique Model in the Context of Global Challenges was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

On February 27, 2015, a traditional musical and theatrical performance took place in the lobby of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University to celebrate the end of winter.

Zhumaseit Bizhan, a Professor of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University and veteran journalist, celebrated his 75th birthday in the Friendship House.

Students, faculty and staff members of S. Toraighyrov PSU participated in the “20 Good Deeds” charity event timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People's Assembly.

Active members of the Student Self-Governance Organization of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University put forward an initiative to support the upcoming presidential election.

Members of the National Revival School of the “Elbrus” Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian ethnocultural association held a concert dedicated to the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

International team of researchers headed by Sturla Ellingvog, a historian from Norway, and Peter Damgord, a Danish researcher of DNA, visited S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Master's degree students from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University had a research internship at the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Activists of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport held a concert at the Students' House of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The chairmen of ethnocultural associations of Pavlodar region held a lesson for students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. The lesson was devoted to the history of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK).