According to the results of the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialties "Social Work", "Geography" "Transport, transport equipment and technologies", students of Toraighyrov University won the prizes.

The best social workers (Arna Slamkhan, Amanzhol Imankulov, Bayan Tilovberdieva) and the best geographers (Aida Nurzhanova, Galiyabanu Galieva and Nurkhat Nazimbekov) under the leadership of Kuandyk Taybolatoval and Shnar Kairova entered the top three winners, winning the second and third places respectively.

Together with the head Nurbolat Sembaev, students Zhalgas Gabdolla and Maxim Semenchuk were noted in the individual competition. The second and third places were won in the directions “Power plants of transport equipment”, “Engineering mechanics”.