A meeting of the Council of Young Scientists was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

During the meeting, a productive dialogue was built between the administration of the university and young scientists.

PhD Alexander Neftisov noted the need to modernize the conferences held following the example of universities in neighboring countries.

“We need to hold conferences on the basis of our university, the materials of which will be quoted in Scopus. This will increase the scientific level of articles participating in conferences and increase the Hirsch index of our scientists”, A. Neftisov said.

Special attention was paid to the issue of commercialization of research, promotion of publication activity in foreign indexed journals, as well as the inclusion of young scientists of the university as part of the editorial board of journals at S. Toraighyrov PSU. Candidates will be selected in each direction and taking into account the achievements and scientific works.

It is worth noting that this year 26 PSU scientists applied for a competition for grant funding for basic and applied research.