PSU scientists Alevtina Tsvetkova and Anara Uyzbaeva returned from the international folkloristic expedition.

Departure to the Ust-Koksinsky District of the Altai Republic was held together with students from the United States of America: Lilian Posner (Georgetown University, Washington, DC) and Mark Gilman (Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland).

According to the head of the expedition, Alevtina Tsvetkova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor of the Department of Russian Philology, the expeditionary work focused on collecting traditional songs, rituals, customs and songs of Altai long-term residential villages.

“Often the customs and traditions of different nations have some similarities. Perhaps this fact proves that we are all people of the world. Many rituals are stable and easily adapted to the present”, A. Tsvetkova added.

Cooperation became possible with the support of the non-profit organization American Friends of Russian Folklore (California).

It is worth noting that this is the second joint expedition.